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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Chest Radiograph
Showing 6 Abstracts.

Degnan Andrew,  Biko David,  White Ammie,  Servaes Sabah,  Otero Hansel,  Fox William,  Shaffer Thomas,  Zhang Huayan,  Saul David

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-100

With advances in intensive care, increasing numbers of premature neonates with severe respiratory distress have led to major challenges related to prolonged mechanical ventilation and chronic bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome in children still confer significant morbidity and mortality despite advances in ventilation and resuscitative therapies.

Much of the damage attributed to mechanical ventilation in critically ill infants and children is due to surface tension and ventilation of atelectatic lung. First reported clinically in neonates in 1989, partial liquid ventilation involves the endotracheal administration of an inert volatile perfluorochemical liquid. These perfluorocarbons aid in gas exchange due to their large oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying capacity. In addition, these chemicals possess low surface tension that allows for greater alveolar recruitment and improved lung compliance through clearance of debris and secretions.

Early trials in preterm neonates and neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia suggested a role for liquid ventilation as salvage therapy for patients not responding to conventional mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Currently, efforts are underway to reassess its clinical utility in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. With this renewed clinical interest, it is important for pediatric radiologists at institutions utilizing these perfluorocarbons to be familiar with the clinical use and radiographic appearance of liquid ventilation.
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Authors:  Degnan Andrew , Biko David , White Ammie , Servaes Sabah , Otero Hansel , Fox William , Shaffer Thomas , Zhang Huayan , Saul David

Keywords:  liquid ventilation, chest radiographs

Nakagawa Motoo,  Ozawa Yoshiyuki,  Tanaka Yoshihiro,  Shibamoto Yuta

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-002

Characteristic chest radiographic findings of patients with congenital heart disease have been reported for some decades ago. For beginner, it may be hard to detect these findings and to understand reasons why these findings depict. Recently, radiologists can interpret specific findings of congenital heart disease because technique of CT have been developed. Read More

Authors:  Nakagawa Motoo , Ozawa Yoshiyuki , Tanaka Yoshihiro , Shibamoto Yuta

Keywords:  congenital heart disease, chest radiograph, dual source CT

Pan Patrick,  Roth Antoinette,  Chawla Soni

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-125

Chest radiographs remain the most frequently used examination in patients presenting with acute complains, adult and children alike. In many pediatric conditions, an abnormal finding on a chest radiograph may be the first clue available. In this educational exhibit, a systematic approach in the evaluation of pediatric chest radiographs is provided. With the use of mnemonic “In the ER, Look and Listen for Most oBvious Signs!”, the reader will navigate through the essential components of the evaluation with Exposure, Rotation, Lines, Lung fields, Mediastinum, Bones and Soft tissues. Read More

Authors:  Pan Patrick , Roth Antoinette , Chawla Soni

Keywords:  Chest, Radiograph, Approach

Schat Robben,  Holm Tara,  Murati Michael

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-001

This study implements a practical collimation technique utilizing external body landmarks to produce more consistent and appropriate collimation for portable neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) chest radiographs (CXR). Read More

Authors:  Schat Robben , Holm Tara , Murati Michael

Keywords:  NICU, chest radiograph, collimation

Ferreira Da Silva Renato,  Nagpal Prashant,  Priya Sarv,  Sato T Shawn,  Sato Yutaka

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-101

Interpretation of chest radiographs requires a good understanding of anatomy, the physiology of the lungs and cardiovascular system as well as good pattern recognition. Additionally, it requires a systematic approach to search for pathologies and pertinent clinical details for interpretation. With frequent use of CT / MRI, the residents (and even practicing radiologists) have become less skilled in the interpretation of chest x-rays, making one of the most commonly ordered exams the most challenging.
With challenges of decreasing radiation exposure (especially in pediatric population), it is important that the relatively lost skill set of chest radiographs interpretation be revisited, for trainees (radiology and non-radiology services) and the practitioners.

● Historical perspective.
● Overall approach towards a chest x-ray and importance of clinical details.
● PA/AP and lateral radiograph anatomy and radiographic lines and stripes.
● Fleischer society standard terminology for radiographs.
● Radiographic appearance of abnormalities and pearls for differentiation. The abnormalities to be categorized as:
○ Pneumonia
○ Effusion
○ Atelectasis
○ Big heart
○ Pulmonary vascularity (plethora and oligemia)
○ Lucencies (Pneumo: thorax, mediastinum and cardia)
○ Masses
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Authors:  Ferreira Da Silva Renato , Nagpal Prashant , Priya Sarv , Sato T Shawn , Sato Yutaka

Keywords:  chest, radiograph, interpretation

Obermark Tyler,  Debnath Pradipta,  Trout Andrew,  Ayyala Rama,  Myers Kasiani,  Tanimoto Aki,  Danzinger-isakov Lara,  Otto William,  Morin Cara

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-043

Children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) are at high risk for infectious and non-infectious complications after transplant. While computed tomography (CT) is commonly used to identify asymptomatic infections or other abnormalities before transplant, there are limited data to support routine pre-transplant imaging with CT. We aimed to investigate the frequency of CT findings of infection, air trapping, or other unexpected abnormalities pre-HSCT. Read More

Authors:  Obermark Tyler , Debnath Pradipta , Trout Andrew , Ayyala Rama , Myers Kasiani , Tanimoto Aki , Danzinger-isakov Lara , Otto William , Morin Cara

Keywords:  Oncology, Bronchiolitis Obliterans, Chest Radiographs