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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 3 Abstracts.

Baker Scott,  Gebarski Kathleen,  Gebarski Stephen

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-088

Sonography is often the initial evaluation of facial lumps and bumps. Most of these lesions are benign, although some malignant lesions may present in this fashion. For education and reference, we composed a pictorial guide of a wide variety of etiologies of facial lumps and bumps.
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Authors:  Baker Scott , Gebarski Kathleen , Gebarski Stephen

Keywords:  Sonography, Head and Neck, Lumps

Milks Kathryn

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-112

The calvarium and overlying scalp is a uniquely changing entity in childhood that presents a dynamic source of pathologies in early life as the child grows and the sutures fuse. Various “lumps and bumps,” both symptomatic and not, may be discovered by the parents or detected by pediatricians. Although some may be diagnosed clinically, others may require imaging for diagnosis. Ultrasound offers a simple and often definitive alternative to CT and MRI for evaluation of calvarial lesions, avoiding unnecessary radiation and expense; however, it requires a sonologist with thorough understanding of the various calvarial and scalp entities. The purpose of this exhibit is to describe the progression of calvarial and scalp lesions encountered from the neonatal period through young adulthood. Read More

Authors:  Milks Kathryn

Keywords:  Skull, Ultrasound, calvarium, Lumps, Head