Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-103
Assessing and reporting pediatric bone age is a subjective and often tedious multi-step process. The typical reporting workflow at our institution requires perusing a hardcopy of a bone age atlas to find an image matching the PACS screen, finding reference values in a table, and performing rote arithmetic to determine the progress of skeletal maturity. Read More
Authors: Do Patrick , Krishnarao Priya
Kumar Ishan, Aggarwal Priyanka, Verma Ashish
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-053
This educational exhibit aims to present a comprehensive structured reporting framework for assessing skeletal dysplasia. By providing a systematic approach, we aim to facilitate better classification, diagnosis, and understanding of various skeletal dysplasia entities. Read More
Authors: Kumar Ishan , Aggarwal Priyanka , Verma Ashish
Keywords: Skeletal Dysplasia, Structured Reporting, X-Ray
Lakatos Andrea, Kolossvary Marton, Szabo Miklos, Kiss Mate, Gyebnar Gyula, Bagyura Zsolt, Kozak Lajos Rudolf
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-017
The radiology report is a tool to communicate information to the referring physician and record data for follow-up or research purposes. With structured reporting templates information becomes uniform, comprehensive and easily manageable. In collaboration with neonatologists and information technologists we developed a structured MRI reporting template for neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Read More
Authors: Lakatos Andrea , Kolossvary Marton , Szabo Miklos , Kiss Mate , Gyebnar Gyula , Bagyura Zsolt , Kozak Lajos Rudolf
Keywords: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Neonates, Magnetic resonance, Diffusion-weighted imaging, Structured reporting