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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

George Cheeseman

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Showing 2 Abstracts.

The breadth of heterotaxy syndromes is a topic commonly covered in the education of radiology providers, however is often neglected in graduate medical education and in the scope of general pediatric practice. Although some heterotaxy syndromes are discovered incidentally, others can lead to severe morbidity and mortality secondary to congenital abnormalities including heart defects and intestinal malrotation. Early recognition of heterotaxy syndromes associated with severe congenital defects such as right-sided isomerism can help to reduce negative patient outcomes and lead to appropriate referral from an outpatient basis to the appropriate medical subspecialists. Conversely, knowledge of heterotaxy syndromes and associated clinical manifestations can aid in identifying which syndromes which are incidental and avoid further imaging work up or costly examinations for patients when not indicated. This exhibit aims to educate providers about the different classifications of heterotaxy syndromes with a focus on clinical features and recommended follow-up based on multidisciplinary guidelines. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024

Authors: Cheeseman George, Mack Marie, Hook Marcus

Keywords: Heterotaxy, Isomerism, Anatomy

Pediatric acute appendicitis is the most common surgically treated disease in the United States. Evaluation via ultrasonography is recommended as the most appropriate initial modality to diagnose acute appendicitis in the pediatric population by the American College of Radiology. However, nonvisualization of the appendix creates diagnostic challenges leading to additional imaging and laboratory studies as well as costs. The purpose of this study is to determine the value of identifying the ileocecal valve as a reliable initial landmark for identification of the appendix via ultrasonography. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025

Authors: Cheeseman George, Torikai Hideyuki, Smith Leah, Walls Robert, Patrie James, Ahn Ju Hee

Keywords: Appendix, Ultrasonography, Abdominal Imaging