Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) has long been utilized in the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux in children with urinary tract infections. Sonographic techniques have been developed to make the same diagnosis without exposing the child to ionizing radiation. This presentation describes the implementation steps of a new service including: pharmacy approval and formulary addition; sonographer training and coordination with fluoroscopy technologists; referring clinician education and outreach. This exhibit educates the reader on how ceVUS can be performed, how it can be established at a children’s hospital, and the benefits it provides. Correct technique and acquisition of images is shown using clinical case examples. Relevant anatomy is reviewed. Correlation of ultrasound abnormalities with VCUG results is provided. The process of training technologists and radiologists is highlighted. Pitfalls and tips to improve imaging are described. We will present results on how our new service has been accepted and utilized by the urologists and referring physicians. We have now performed over 50 ceVUS studies this year. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Mangona Kate Louise, Hammer Matthew, Kwon Jeannie
Keywords: ceVUS, ultrasound, contrast