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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Ariel Schmid

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Showing 1 Abstract.

New cases of epilepsy occur in up to 1 in 500 children, 30% of whom will develop intractable seizures despite medical therapy. The majority of focal epilepsy cases can be attributed to a structural abnormality, although identification of the epileptogenic focus can be challenging and often requires a multimodal approach. Recent developments in neurological imaging have improved localization of epileptogenic foci as well as mapping of eloquent regions of the brain, aiding in treatment decision making, surgical planning, and patient outcomes. The goal of this educational poster is to present a case-based review of imaging evaluation for drug-resistant focal epilepsy in the pediatric patient with a focus on indications and protocols for neuroimaging techniques including structural brain imaging and fMRI, particularly in an underserved community with resource constraints. An approach to pediatric structural MRI and fMRI will be presented including post-operative imaging follow up. The pediatric neuroradiologist plays a critical role in localization of epileptogenic foci as well as functional mapping and plays a critical role in the care of children with intractable epilepsy. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025

Authors: Nichols Joshua, Schmid Ariel, O'neill Thomas

Keywords: Functional, MR, Epilepsy