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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 4 Abstracts.

Mohamed Ezzelarab Soliman Magdy,  Doria Andrea,  Bouskill Vanessa,  Mohanta Arun,  Zhang Ningning,  Zhou Alex,  Jarrin Jose,  Huo Ai Hua,  Wu Runhui,  Peng Yun

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-058

POC-US aims at shortening the scanning and interpretation time being easy to use by clinicians and allied health professionals at the time of patients’ physical examination. Our purposes are: 1. To compare POC-US to detailed US and MRI in evaluating hemophilic arthropathy. 2. To point out limitations of POC-US that can decrease its accuracy. 3. To propose strategies to refine protocols. Read More

Authors:  Mohamed Ezzelarab Soliman Magdy , Doria Andrea , Bouskill Vanessa , Mohanta Arun , Zhang Ningning , Zhou Alex , Jarrin Jose , Huo Ai Hua , Wu Runhui , Peng Yun

Keywords:  hemophilic arthropathy, imaging, point of care ultrasound

Jones Kathryn,  Xie Katherine,  Kuester Victoria,  Woods Pace,  Dao Vinh,  Horstmann Joanna,  Mahdi Eman,  Mishra Chakradhar

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-069

Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot arthropathy) can be a late manifestation of multiple disease processes that impair sensation and proprioception. The findings are commonly present in adults with diabetes and entities such as tertiary syphilis and syringomyelia. We present the rare manifestation of Charcot arthropathy of the hip in two pediatric patients with a history of spina bifida, myelomeningocele, and Chiari malformation. Through a case series, this presentation will review the image findings, treatment, and pathophysiology of neuropathic arthropathy in the pediatric population. Read More

Authors:  Jones Kathryn , Xie Katherine , Kuester Victoria , Woods Pace , Dao Vinh , Horstmann Joanna , Mahdi Eman , Mishra Chakradhar

Keywords:  Charcot arthropathy, Spina Bifida, Myelomeningocele

Adeyiga Adebunmi,  Bandarkar Anjum

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-135

1. Review focused elbow ultrasound technique for pediatric patients
2. Review normal pediatric elbow anatomy by ultrasound
3. Present a spectrum of pediatric elbow disorders evaluated by ultrasound and demonstrate correlative findings on radiography, arthrography and MRI.
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Authors:  Adeyiga Adebunmi , Bandarkar Anjum

Keywords:  Elbow Ultrasound, Congenital dislocation, transphyseal fracture, synovitis, hemophiliac arthropathy

Ahmed Humayun,  Wang Kuan Chung,  Sussman Marshall,  Amirabadi Afsaneh,  Moineddin Rahim,  Wells Greg,  Man Carina,  Blanchette Victor,  Doria Andrea

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-036

1. To determine short-term interval changes in T2 maps of knee cartilage of healthy boys before and after a 2-minute knee-squat exercise at 1.5T and 3T MRI; 2. To determine interval changes in T2 maps pre-exercise at 1.5T vs. 3T, and post-exercise at 1.5T vs. 3T; 3. To determine interval changes pre- and post-exercise among minimal-, moderate-, and high-activity subjects at 1.5T and 3T; and 4. To determine inter- and intra-reader reliability of 1.5 and 3T values. Read More

Authors:  Ahmed Humayun , Wang Kuan Chung , Sussman Marshall , Amirabadi Afsaneh , Moineddin Rahim , Wells Greg , Man Carina , Blanchette Victor , Doria Andrea

Keywords:  Hemophilia, Arthropathy, Pediatrics, Inherited bleeding disorders, T2 mapping MRI