1. To determine short-term interval changes in T2 maps of knee cartilage of healthy boys before and after a 2-minute knee-squat exercise at 1.5T and 3T MRI; 2. To determine interval changes in T2 maps pre-exercise at 1.5T vs. 3T, and post-exercise at 1.5T vs. 3T; 3. To determine interval changes pre- and post-exercise among minimal-, moderate-, and high-activity subjects at 1.5T and 3T; and 4. To determine inter- and intra-reader reliability of 1.5 and 3T values.
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Meeting name:
IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition
, 2016
Ahmed Humayun,
Wang Kuan Chung,
Sussman Marshall,
Amirabadi Afsaneh,
Moineddin Rahim,
Wells Greg,
Man Carina,
Blanchette Victor,
Doria Andrea
Inherited bleeding disorders,
T2 mapping MRI