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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 9 Abstracts.

Panwar Jyoti,  Kirkhus Eva,  Meyers Arthur,  Patel Hiten,  Van Rossum Marion,  Stimec Jennifer,  Tse Shirley,  Twilt Marinka,  Tzaribachev Nikolay,  Doria Andrea,  Tolend Mirkamal,  Akikusa Jonathan,  Herregods Nele,  Highmore Kerri,  Inarejos Clemente Emilio,  Jans Lennart,  Jaremko Jacob Lester,  Von Kalle Thekla

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-036

Whole body (WB) MRI is a valuable method for surveying the overall burden of systemic diseases such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), directing further diagnostic and treatment approaches. Consensus-driven development and validation of a standardized WB-MRI scoring system for JIA has important clinical utility in timely detection and monitoring of disease activity, and serves as an outcome measure in research. We describe our experience utilizing a formal consensus approach amongst imaging and/or clinical JIA experts towards developing a novel WB MRI scoring system to assess disease activity in JIA. Read More

Authors:  Panwar Jyoti , Kirkhus Eva , Meyers Arthur , Patel Hiten , Van Rossum Marion , Stimec Jennifer , Tse Shirley , Twilt Marinka , Tzaribachev Nikolay , Doria Andrea , Tolend Mirkamal , Akikusa Jonathan , Herregods Nele , Highmore Kerri , Inarejos Clemente Emilio , Jans Lennart , Jaremko Jacob Lester , Von Kalle Thekla

Keywords:  Consensus, WB-MRI scoring system, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Junhasavasdikul Thitiporn,  Kellenberger Christian,  Tolend Mirkamal,  Doria Andrea

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-107

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most common musculoskeletal disorder in children. The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are involved in majority of cases, and detection of early arthritic changes in these joints relies on contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, with the paucity of evidence and consensus on the normal and pathologic changes in this small but complex joint, interpretation of TMJ MRIs remains to be difficult. This exhibit presents the normal growth related and arthritis related variations in the disease progression in TMJ MRIs of JIA patients. Read More

Authors:  Junhasavasdikul Thitiporn , Kellenberger Christian , Tolend Mirkamal , Doria Andrea

Keywords:  Temporomandibular joint, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Magnetic resonance imaging atlas

Stanley Parker,  Rubesova Erika

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-013 (T)

Introduction: Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic entity in children and the second most common cause of musculoskeletal symptoms in pediatric patients. Treatment of JIA largely depends on frequently managing inflammation within the joints, and as such, ultrasound is a prime imaging modality that can be used for detection and monitoring of inflammation. Ultrasound is more sensitive than plain films in the early detection of JIA, and ultrasound is more sensitive than clinical examinations alone. As a low-cost, high-resolution imaging modality, ultrasound allows visualization of the joint spaces, can be used to detect joint effusions, and can monitor synovial proliferation and joint hyperemia, all while not exposing the patient to radiation. We will present ultrasound images of various joints in children such as knees, ankles, wrists, hands and feet. Ultrasound technique, imaging planes, choice of probes frequencies and ultrasound settings are analyzed for optimization of the images. This presentation will highlight the diagnostic imaging findings of JIA on ultrasound, such the presence of joint effusions, synovial proliferation, capsular thickening, tendinitis as well as provide information on common pitfalls associated with age-specific appearances of pediatric musculoskeletal structures on ultrasound. Familiarity with JIA and musculoskeletal ultrasound findings will allow timely diagnosis and implementation of appropriate treatment strategies. Read More

Authors:  Stanley Parker , Rubesova Erika

Keywords:  Juvenile Arthritis, Ultrasound, Musculoskeletal

Tierradentro-garcia Luis,  Alizai Hamza

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-058


Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic condition in the pediatric population, with a prevalence of up to 150 cases per 100,000 children. Although the diagnosis of JIA is clinical, imaging plays a crucial role in the monitoring and stratification of disease, such as detecting growth disturbances, chronic joint structural changes, or treatment response. Conventional radiography has low accuracy for detection of acute synovitis or enthesitis, whereas ultrasound provides real-time assessment of inflammatory changes. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive modality to discern early inflammatory or destructive changes in JIA, with the potential to visualize soft tissue and osteochondral abnormalities.

Education goals:

1) To describe the diagnostic criteria for the 7 subtypes of JIA.
2) To illustrate the more common imaging findings in JIA (e.g. swelling, bone mineral density, loss of joint space, erosions, growth disturbances, joint malalignment, ankylosis, enthesitis) using conventional radiography, ultrasound, and MRI.
3) To highlight the importance of early imaging changes that can support the clinical diagnosis of JIA.
4) To present the role of multimodality imaging in the evaluation of complex joint involvement (e.g. atlanto-occipital, atlanto-axial, temporomandibular, spinal, sacroiliac) in JIA.
5) To emphasize the role of imaging in characterizing conditions that can mimic JIA.
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Authors:  Tierradentro-garcia Luis , Alizai Hamza

Keywords:  Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Multimodality, Rheumatology

Paula Vitor,  Carvalho Clarissa,  Day Jessica,  Essouma Mickael,  Conticini Edoardo,  Riopel Mary Anne,  Shenoi Susan,  Marrani Edoardo,  Doria Andrea,  Omori Clarissa,  Elias Adriana,  Guimaraes Julio,  Shinjo Samuel,  Araujo Daniel,  Magalhaes Claudia,  Appenzeller Simone,  Arabi Tamima

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-024

An international Task Force from International Myositis Assessment and Clinical Studies Group (IMACS) conducted a comprehensive scoping review of the literature on analyzing MRI indications for patients with JDM, MRI techniques and protocols, and the adopted scoring systems. We also analyzed whether MRI was comparable to other measures used to assess disease activity, remission, or flares and whether MRI was accurate in achieving the proposed goals. Read More

Authors:  Paula Vitor , Carvalho Clarissa , Day Jessica , Essouma Mickael , Conticini Edoardo , Riopel Mary Anne , Shenoi Susan , Marrani Edoardo , Doria Andrea , Omori Clarissa , Elias Adriana , Guimaraes Julio , Shinjo Samuel , Araujo Daniel , Magalhaes Claudia , Appenzeller Simone , Arabi Tamima

Keywords:  magnetic ressonance, juvenile, dermatomyositis

Scace Candace

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-077

Brain tumors are the most common solid tumor of childhood and the leading cause of death among all childhood cancers. Because many pediatric brain tumors occur infratentorially, it is important for the radiologist to recognize and distinguish both classic and more rare tumors that can present within this region. The purpose of this presentation is to review the imaging findings associated with the most common posterior fossa tumors in children, discuss their differentiating features, and expand upon this differential by including imaging characteristics of less common, but equally important neoplasms occuring within the posterior fossa. Read More

Authors:  Scace Candace

Keywords:  Infratentorial tumors, Brainstem glioma, Ependymoma, Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma, Medulloblastoma

Otobo Tarimobo,  Rumsy Dax,  Inarejos Emilio,  Kirkhus Eva,  Stimec Jennifer,  Panwar Jyoti,  Thorpe Kevin,  Jans Lennart,  Van Rossum Marion,  Tolend Mirkamal,  Perez Manuela,  Conaghan Philip,  Tzaribachev Nikolay,  Sandhya Pulukool,  Tse Shirley,  Simone Appenzeller,  Swami Vimarsha,  Touma Zahi,  Lambert Robert,  Doria Andrea,  Maksymowych Walter,  Van Der Heijde Desiree,  Weiss Pamela,  Sudol-szopinska Iwona,  Herregods Nele,  Jaremko Jacob,  Meyers Arthur

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-061

Clinical assessment of the Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) is limited due to the location and anatomy of the joint. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a sensitive, non- invasive tool in detecting early SIJ inflammatory changes and structural damage in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). The quantification of interval change of pediatric SIJs using MRI based scoring methods will serve as an important objective outcome measure for the assessment of disease severity and treatment effectiveness in JIA. Read More

Authors:  Otobo Tarimobo , Rumsy Dax , Inarejos Emilio , Kirkhus Eva , Stimec Jennifer , Panwar Jyoti , Thorpe Kevin , Jans Lennart , Van Rossum Marion , Tolend Mirkamal , Perez Manuela , Conaghan Philip , Tzaribachev Nikolay , Sandhya Pulukool , Tse Shirley , Simone Appenzeller , Swami Vimarsha , Touma Zahi , Lambert Robert , Doria Andrea , Maksymowych Walter , Van Der Heijde Desiree , Weiss Pamela , Sudol-szopinska Iwona , Herregods Nele , Jaremko Jacob , Meyers Arthur

Keywords:  Juvenile idiopathic arthritis, OMERACT, outcome measure

Fugatt Robert,  Pasham Vishwajeeth,  Kasi Nagraj,  Mcbee Morgan

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-014

While there are various intestinal polyposis syndromes, the single juvenile retention polyp (JRP) is one of the most common polypoid lesions detected in the pediatric gastrointestinal tract. Although these solitary JRPs are benign entities, they can commonly present with hematochezia. Rarely, they can serve as a nidus for infection. While intestinal polyps are fairly frequently encountered by endoscopy, they are not commonly encountered radiologically.

The subject of this case report is an 8 year old female who experienced intermittent abdominal pain and hematochezia for approximately one year before ultimately presenting with sepsis and colitis. By radiograph, CT, endoscopic sampling, histopathologic and laboratory evaluation, she was found to have sigmoid colitis secondary to a solitary JRP.

Initial abdominal radiograph showed haustral thickening, raising suspicion for colitis. Subsequent contrast enhanced abdominopelvic CT revealed a 2.8 cm peripherally enhancing, centrally hypodense polypoid lesion with internal calcification in the sigmoid colon. There was adjacent colonic wall thickening and mesenteric stranding suggesting an associated infectious or inflammatory process.

Stool studies were positive for enteropathogenic E. Coli and occult blood. The colonic lesion was endoscopically excised and shown to be a JRP. This was the presumed nidus for hematochezia and eventual bacterial translocation leading to colitis. The patient was treated with supportive and antimicrobial therapy, and ultimately improved to her baseline status.

While solitary juvenile retention polyps are non-neoplastic entities, they can often present with hematochezia and rarely serve as a nidus for colitis which may lead to sepsis. If a solitary polypoid lesion is identified in a region of intestinal inflammation, it should be considered as a potential culprit.
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Authors:  Fugatt Robert , Pasham Vishwajeeth , Kasi Nagraj , Mcbee Morgan

Keywords:  Juvenile Polyp, Colitis

Braojos Fernanda,  Cardoso Mariana,  Arruda Elaine,  Bueno Letícia,  Cação Pedro Henrique,  Catelan Marcia,  Souza Antonio

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-087

This education exhibit aims to:
Provide a concise overview of the imaging aspects of the paracoccicidioidomycosis in childhood
Illustrate and discuss the main radiological findings of these endemic mycotic infection in Brazil
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Authors:  Braojos Fernanda , Cardoso Mariana , Arruda Elaine , Bueno Letícia , Cação Pedro Henrique , Catelan Marcia , Souza Antonio