Hypertrophy of inferior olivary nucleus may result from a varied spectrum of pathologies affecting the neuronal connections of the dentato-rubro-olivary pathway. This has been previously extensively described in adult patients as a result of various etiologies. We intend to elaborate on pediatric causes of hypertrophic olivary degeneration including infarction, neoplastic, demyelinating and infective pathologies as the underlying disorder with a few representative cases where available. A detailed explanation of underlying neuronal disruption responsible for this unique imaging finding will also be presented including diagrammatic illustration. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Bajaj Manish, Reddy Kartik, Goldman-yassen Adam, Trofimova Anna
Keywords: Hypertrophic, olivary, Mollaret
A broad spectrum of intracranial cysts and cystic-appearing lesions exist with unique imaging and pathologic characteristics. Some cysts have a predilection for certain intracranial locations, which, in combination with specific imaging features, can help point towards a particular pathology and, in some cases, associated syndromes. Herein, we describe a pattern-based approach for evaluation of intracranial cysts and cystic lesions in order to narrow the differential diagnosis and assist in diagnosing an associated syndrome. Cyst pathologies to be discussed include: Arachnoid cysts, dermoid/epidermoid cysts, subependymal cysts, connatal cysts, cystic encephalomalacia, neuroglial cyst, perivascular spaces, choroid plexus cysts, and choroidal fissure cysts. Syndromes and conditions to be discussed include: Aicardi Syndrome (interhemispheric cysts), congenital muscular dystrophy (cerebellar cysts), congenital CMV (anterior temporal cysts), Zellweger syndrome (caudothalamic groove cysts), Glutaric Aciduria type 1 (middle cranial fossa cysts), and trisomy 18 (choroid plexus cysts). By being familiar with the pattern-based approach to characterization of the intracranial cystic lesions, radiologists can hone their differential diagnoses and differentiate benign/incidental lesions from ones that signify a broader pathology. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2022 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2022
Authors: Trofimova Anna, Reddy Kartik, Bajaj Manish, Goldman-yassen Adam
Keywords: Cyst, Brain, Neuroradiology
Common causes of bowel obstruction (BO) in infants and children include <u>a</u>ppendicitis, <u>a</u>dhesions, <u>i</u>ntussusception, <u>i</u>nguinal hernia, <u>m</u>idgut volvulus, and <u>M</u>eckel's diverticulum, for which the mnemonic "AIM” is used. We present uncommon causes of BO in infants and children and review the clinical presentation, imaging findings, and surgical diagnoses. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Goldman-yassen Adam, Kurian Jessica, Blumfield Einat, Levin Terry
Keywords: Obstruction, Volvulus
Proton MRS (1H-MRS) is a technique to non-invasively study brain metabolites in vivo. 1H-MRS has been shown to detect abnormal brain accumulation of lactate in primary mitochondrial disorders (PMDs). However, differences in lactate concentration among the different PMDs have not been explored. We aimed to explore differences in quantitative 1H-MRS derived metabolite concentrations, particularly of lactate, and their ratios, in PMDs. We analyzed quantitative 1H-MRS data of the brain in pediatric patients with different types of genetically confirmed PMDs to evaluate differences in metabolite concentration and ratios. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Goncalves Fabricio, Wang Dah-jyuu, Goldman-yassen Adam, Martin-saavedra Juan, Alves Cesar Augusto, Teixeira Sara, Andronikou Savvas, Vossough Arastoo
Keywords: MR Spectroscopy, Mitochondrial, LCModel