With the expansion of the internet and the development of new media tools, learning methods among medical students and residents in all specialties particularly Radiology have changed. While didactic lectures and personal interaction with mentors each play an important part in education, self learning via a variety of internet sources has gained a significant role and has come to replace the use of standard textbooks. Existing online modules are minimally interactive and present radiographic images concurrently with text. In most, users use the cursor to hover over the image in order to display the abnormality. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Benitez Steven, Levin Terry
Keywords: learning module, hips, pediatric
1.To review the embryology of female genital system. 2.To define Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) and atypical MRKH, also called MURCS(Müllerian aplasia, unilateral renal agenesis and anomalies of the cervico-thoracic somites). 3.To discuss the imaging findings and clinical management of classic MRKH and contrast it to MURCS. 4.To discuss the rare association of MRKH and MURCS with gonadal dysgenesis/agenesis. US and MR were evaluated to determine efficacy of identifying adnexae. Read More
Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016
Authors: Alturkistani Tahani, Levin Terry, Kurian Jessica, Mazzariol Fernanda
Keywords: Gonadal dysgenesis, MRKH syndrome, MURCS, streak ovaries
Common causes of bowel obstruction (BO) in infants and children include <u>a</u>ppendicitis, <u>a</u>dhesions, <u>i</u>ntussusception, <u>i</u>nguinal hernia, <u>m</u>idgut volvulus, and <u>M</u>eckel's diverticulum, for which the mnemonic "AIM” is used. We present uncommon causes of BO in infants and children and review the clinical presentation, imaging findings, and surgical diagnoses. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Goldman-yassen Adam, Kurian Jessica, Blumfield Einat, Levin Terry
Keywords: Obstruction, Volvulus
There is increasing interest in the use of ultrasonography to characterize pediatric ocular abnormalities. Normal orbital anatomy and many abnormal conditions affecting the orbit are well seen with orbital ultrasonography. Some entities display distinct, characteristic ultrasonographic features which may serve to confirm the clinical diagnosis. This educational exhibit demonstrates the value of orbital ultrasonography in evaluating normal orbital anatomy and the various pathologic conditions that may affect the eye in children. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Friedman Andrew, Duan Chen, Levin Terry, Rosenberg Jamie, Taragin Benjamin
Keywords: Orbital, Ocular, ultrasound
To describe the fluoroscopic practice patterns during pregnancy in pediatric radiologists and potential impact on professional relationships and career. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Kim Jane, Son Jennifer, Poletto Erica, Phelps Andrew, Levin Terry
Keywords: Pregnancy, Fluoroscopy
The canal of Nuck, described by Anton Nuck in 1691, is an evagination of peritoneum into the labia majora and represents a patent processus vaginalis in females. While it usually undergoes obliteration soon after birth, it may be complicated by the accumulation of fluid (female hydrocele), or herniation of the bowel, the adnexa or the uterus into this potential space.We discuss the embryology of the Canal of Nuck and the various complications that may arise in infants and young girls with a patent canal. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Fink Adam, Agarwal Prakhar, Liszewski Mark, Kurian Jessica, Levin Terry
Keywords: canal of nuck, female hydrocele, ovarian herniation
In the PICU and NICU, radiographs are frequently obtained and preliminarily interpreted by intensivists several hours before a board certified pediatric radiologist provides an official interpretation. These preliminary interpretations often result in a change in clinical management. We quantified the discrepancy rates between intensivists at different levels of training and pediatric radiologists to determine areas for intensivist improvement via an educational initiative. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Fink Adam, Levin Terry, Blumfield Einat, Liszewski Mark, Nemerofsky Sheri, George Kandie, Eddington K., Nafday Suhas, Ushay H.