Leloutre Beatrice, Boyer Corinne, Leroux Carole, Occelli Aurelie, Guesmi Myriam, Baqué Juston Marie
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-01 (R)
Objective: to report an unsual presentation of neurofibromatosis involving the genito-urinary tract. Bladder involvement was the initial presentation of a Von Recklinghausen disease in a new born for whom the family disease was initially unknown by the medical staff. Read More
Authors: Leloutre Beatrice, Boyer Corinne, Leroux Carole, Occelli Aurelie, Guesmi Myriam, Baqué Juston Marie
Keywords: neurofibromatosis , bladder , new born
Biscaye Stephanie, Albertario Marco, Guesmi Myriam, Leloutre Beatrice, Occelli Aurelie, Boyer Corinne
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-02 (R)
the aim of the study is to report the importance of the link between intracranial bleeding (ICB) and biliary atresia in neonates. Nowadays, the incidence of bleeding secondary to vitamin K deficiency has well-decreased, thanks to systematic vitamin K prophylaxis in neonates. However, ICB remains a severe complication of Vitamine K deficiency, with a high mortality rate and possible neurological disabilities.
Biliary atresia (BA) is a life-threatening condition in neonates, commonly diagnosed in the first 2 months of life, based on jaundice, cholestasis, pale-colored stools and dark urine. Occasionally, BA can be revealed later (25 to 65 days after birth), with severe symptoms such as intracranial, nasal or gastrointestinal bleedings.
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Authors: Biscaye Stephanie, Albertario Marco, Guesmi Myriam, Leloutre Beatrice, Occelli Aurelie, Boyer Corinne
Keywords: biliary atresia , intracranial bleeding
Matos Rojas Irma, Lazarte Claudia, Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-04 (R)
Three cases of dermoid cyst will be described with different clinical presentation and location. MRI and CT finding will be reviewed and correlated with pathological finding.
The first case is a 7 year- old child, with suspected diagnosis of stroke which MRI shows a midline posterior fossa tumor with fine occipital dermal sinus, better visualized in CT. The second case is 1 year- old enfant with delayed psychomotor development, a dimple with lock of hair and dorsal hemangioma, which MRI shows a dermal sinus at D4 – D5 level which continues with an intra and extramedullary mass. The last case is 2 year- old child postoperated of mielomeningocele at birth that has neurogenic blader and Chiari II with a cyst mass at conus and low spinal cord insertion.
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Authors: Matos Rojas Irma, Lazarte Claudia, Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Keywords: Dermoid cyst , Magnetic resonance imaging , Posterior fossa , spinal
Matos Rojas Irma, Katekaru Tokeshi Doris
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-06 (R)
OEIS complex is the most severe end of the expectrum of the exstrophy - epispadias complex . It is characterized by omphalocele, extrophy, imperforate anus and spinal defects and is often associated with other malformations on chest, abdomen genitourinary, skeletal and neurologic. The incidence of OEIS complex is very rare, estimated to occur in 0, 5 – 1 per 200 000 live births.
We present a case of OEIS complex associated with horseshoe kidney. The baby was delivered by vaginal delivery (GA 39 weeks). Present normal male kariotype.
On physical examination there were omphalocele with herniation of a segment of the large bowel, cloacal exstrophy with two hemi bladders, imperforate anus and spina bifida. No external genitalia were identified on physical examination but bilateral cryptorchidism was observed in pelvic MRI
Renal ultrasound show hoershoe kidney with left pelvic ectasia that was confirmed on abdominal MRI and urotomography. Spinal ultrasound and MRI show lipomyelomenigocele and low spinal cord insertion. Also the baby has sacral segmentation defects and congenital hip subluxation.
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Authors: Matos Rojas Irma, Katekaru Tokeshi Doris
Keywords: OEIS complex , horseshoe kidney , extrophy - epispadias complex , magnetic resonance imaging , ultrasound
Frank Matt, List Jeb, Harris Katherine
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-07 (R)
12 year old female presented with history of ureteral re-implantation and severe pelvic pain for a month. Pelvic ultrasound showed a bi-lobed hypoechoic mass in the pelvis markedly distended with internal intermediate and low level echoes and septations suggestive of hematometrocolpos thought to be secondary to imperforate hymen. Subsequent MRI evaluation of the pelvis demonstrated a complete septate uterus with longitudinal vaginal septum, atresia of the lower 1/3 of the vagina, and hematocolpos. The patient was placed on Lupron and referred for reconstructive surgery. Read More
Authors: Frank Matt, List Jeb, Harris Katherine
Keywords: Septate uterus , longitudinal vaginal septum , Mullerian duct anomaly , Septate uterus MRI , longitudinal vaginal septum MRI
Leloutre Beatrice, Boyer Corinne, Leroux Carole, Occelli Aurelie, Guesmi Myriam, Baqué Juston Marie
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-01 (R)
Objective: to report an unsual presentation of neurofibromatosis involving the genito-urinary tract. Bladder involvement was the initial presentation of a Von Recklinghausen disease in a new born for whom the family disease was initially unknown by the medical staff. Read More
Authors: Leloutre Beatrice, Boyer Corinne, Leroux Carole, Occelli Aurelie, Guesmi Myriam, Baqué Juston Marie
Keywords: neurofibromatosis , bladder , new born
Frank Matt, List Jeb, Harris Katherine
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-07 (R)
12 year old female presented with history of ureteral re-implantation and severe pelvic pain for a month. Pelvic ultrasound showed a bi-lobed hypoechoic mass in the pelvis markedly distended with internal intermediate and low level echoes and septations suggestive of hematometrocolpos thought to be secondary to imperforate hymen. Subsequent MRI evaluation of the pelvis demonstrated a complete septate uterus with longitudinal vaginal septum, atresia of the lower 1/3 of the vagina, and hematocolpos. The patient was placed on Lupron and referred for reconstructive surgery. Read More
Authors: Frank Matt, List Jeb, Harris Katherine
Keywords: Septate uterus , longitudinal vaginal septum , Mullerian duct anomaly , Septate uterus MRI , longitudinal vaginal septum MRI
Matos Rojas Irma, Lazarte Claudia, Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-04 (R)
Three cases of dermoid cyst will be described with different clinical presentation and location. MRI and CT finding will be reviewed and correlated with pathological finding.
The first case is a 7 year- old child, with suspected diagnosis of stroke which MRI shows a midline posterior fossa tumor with fine occipital dermal sinus, better visualized in CT. The second case is 1 year- old enfant with delayed psychomotor development, a dimple with lock of hair and dorsal hemangioma, which MRI shows a dermal sinus at D4 – D5 level which continues with an intra and extramedullary mass. The last case is 2 year- old child postoperated of mielomeningocele at birth that has neurogenic blader and Chiari II with a cyst mass at conus and low spinal cord insertion.
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Authors: Matos Rojas Irma, Lazarte Claudia, Alpaca Rodriguez Larry
Keywords: Dermoid cyst , Magnetic resonance imaging , Posterior fossa , spinal
Matos Rojas Irma, Katekaru Tokeshi Doris
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-06 (R)
OEIS complex is the most severe end of the expectrum of the exstrophy - epispadias complex . It is characterized by omphalocele, extrophy, imperforate anus and spinal defects and is often associated with other malformations on chest, abdomen genitourinary, skeletal and neurologic. The incidence of OEIS complex is very rare, estimated to occur in 0, 5 – 1 per 200 000 live births.
We present a case of OEIS complex associated with horseshoe kidney. The baby was delivered by vaginal delivery (GA 39 weeks). Present normal male kariotype.
On physical examination there were omphalocele with herniation of a segment of the large bowel, cloacal exstrophy with two hemi bladders, imperforate anus and spina bifida. No external genitalia were identified on physical examination but bilateral cryptorchidism was observed in pelvic MRI
Renal ultrasound show hoershoe kidney with left pelvic ectasia that was confirmed on abdominal MRI and urotomography. Spinal ultrasound and MRI show lipomyelomenigocele and low spinal cord insertion. Also the baby has sacral segmentation defects and congenital hip subluxation.
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Authors: Matos Rojas Irma, Katekaru Tokeshi Doris
Keywords: OEIS complex , horseshoe kidney , extrophy - epispadias complex , magnetic resonance imaging , ultrasound
Biscaye Stephanie, Albertario Marco, Guesmi Myriam, Leloutre Beatrice, Occelli Aurelie, Boyer Corinne
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-02 (R)
the aim of the study is to report the importance of the link between intracranial bleeding (ICB) and biliary atresia in neonates. Nowadays, the incidence of bleeding secondary to vitamin K deficiency has well-decreased, thanks to systematic vitamin K prophylaxis in neonates. However, ICB remains a severe complication of Vitamine K deficiency, with a high mortality rate and possible neurological disabilities.
Biliary atresia (BA) is a life-threatening condition in neonates, commonly diagnosed in the first 2 months of life, based on jaundice, cholestasis, pale-colored stools and dark urine. Occasionally, BA can be revealed later (25 to 65 days after birth), with severe symptoms such as intracranial, nasal or gastrointestinal bleedings.
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Authors: Biscaye Stephanie, Albertario Marco, Guesmi Myriam, Leloutre Beatrice, Occelli Aurelie, Boyer Corinne
Keywords: biliary atresia , intracranial bleeding