Many studies have shown that patient education with interactive, multimedia design can enhance information retention. Merge Cube is a commercially available interactive object that allows one to use a phone or iPad to display and manipulate 3D images via an app. The purpose of this study is to determine if reviewing personalized 3D computerized tomography (CT) images via Merge Cube improves patients’ education and understanding versus reviewing the images on a monitor. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Asmar Julia, Singhal Hannah, Lypka Michael, Chan Sherwin
Keywords: 3D Visualization, Maxillofacial, Patient Outcomes
Foreign body (FB) ingestion can be a life threatening event for pediatric patients. The imaging for suspected FB is an esophagram. This procedure requires radiologist involvement, patient cooperation and has a higher dose of radiation than chest digital tomosynthesis (DTS). We want to describe usage of DTS in the pediatric population to aid in detection of radiolucent esophageal FB. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Johansen Andrew, Lee Jacob, Robinson Amie, Chan Sherwin
Keywords: Digital Chest Tomosynthesis, Esophageal Foreign Body, Esophagram
Gastrostomy tube (GT) or gastrojejunostomy tube (GJT) checks are a frequently ordered radiographic procedure to confirm placement. The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of after-hours examinations for GJ or GJT placement using abdominal radiographs after injection of contrast, as compared to traditional fluoroscopy exams, which utilize a radiologist to perform the procedure. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2020
Authors: Lee Gregory, Noel-macdonnell Janelle, Robinson Amie, Crockett Jay, Chan Sherwin
Keywords: G Tube, Fluoroscopy
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) is a potentially fatal disease affecting children following bone marrow transplantation (BMT). SOS diagnosis is clinical because traditional ultrasound has poor sensitivity and specificity with portal vein flow reversal occurring well after the disease is clinically evident. Ultrasound elastography is a newer technology that measures liver stiffness, which should increase in SOS due to passive hepatic congestion. Our hypothesis is that quantitative shear wave ultrasound elastography will be more accurate in detecting this disease compared with conventional ultrasound parameters. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2017 Annual Meeting & Categorical Course , 2017
Authors: Reddivalla Naresh, Opfer Erin, Robinson Amie, Reid Kimberly, Chan Sherwin
Keywords: Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome, Veno-Occlusive Disease, Ultrasound Elastography
Many diseases in pediatrics are relatively uncommon and imaging of these diseases is difficult to study due to small patient numbers at a single site. This limits the ability of single institutions to adequately power a study. Thus, there is a pressing need for a multi-site structure to combine data for rare diseases to appropriately power outcome studies. Our goal is to create an infrastructure to support pooling of imaging and clinical data across institutions to facilitate multi-institutional studies. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019
Authors: Payne Erin, Martin-saavedra Juan, Victoria Teresa, Robinson Amie, Fickenscher Kristin, Chan Sherwin
Keywords: Registry, Multi-Institutional, imaging trials
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn disease, is a cause of significant morbidity in the pediatric population. Perirectal disease is a Crohn related complication affecting as many as 62% of children. Magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) is being increasingly utilized in characterizing the extent of IBD. Dedicated perirectal disease imaging, such as a T2 SPACE, requires an additional 10-15 minutes of imaging time on an already time constrained modality. The goal of our study was to determine the best imaging protocol for patients without clinically suspicious perirectal disease based on the incidence in this population. Read More
Meeting name: SPR 2018 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2018
Authors: Reddy Nidhi, Chan Sherwin, Robinson Amie, Mardis Neil, Dahl Amy, Fickenscher Kristin
Keywords: Perirectal Disease Imaging, MR Enterography, Pediatric MRI