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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Neil Lall

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Showing 3 Abstracts.

An 18 month old male presents with fever and green discharge from the right external auditory canal. A temporal bone CT demonstrated an 8mm cylinderical structure 3cm in length isointense to muscle with linear central hypoattenuation. An MRI demonstrated a cylindrical signal void on all sequences performed; including T1, T2, and FLAIR sequences; within the masticator space corresponding to the foreign body on CT, although the dimensions appeared slightly larger. There was considerable surrounding edema with findings consistent with osteomyelitis of the mandible with right mastoid and middle ear effusions. In the operating room a small opening on the buccal mucosa was identified and a 3 cm green crayon fragment was removed. Upon further questioning the mother reports the child running with a green crayon, and tripping approximately 3 weeks prior to presentation. The child was treated with IV antibiotics following foreign body removal and is recovering well. Given the common understanding of a crayon as a solid stick of parafin wax, the imaging appearance as a foreign body on CT and MRI was unexpected. On CT the overall density was isointense to soft tissues and demonstrated a central linear area of hypoattenuation. The central hypoattenuation corresponds to a central air channel in some crayons by the method of manufacture. On MRI the low signal with apparent blooming is related to the pigments. In modern crayons these pigments are transition metal compounds. Iron oxide complexes are the most important and are responsible for the yellow, orange, red, brown, and black color families and their various permutations and mixtures. Other transition metal compounds such as titanium dioxide for white, and copper for blue are also used. Pigments make up to 10% of a crayon. In our case of a green crayon, the iron oxide particles responsible for the yellow portion of the green would explain the abscence of signal on routine MRI sequences with apparent blooming. Understanding the appearance of crayons can help positively identify them as foreign bodies, and may help identify small retained fragments. Read More

Meeting name: IPR 2016 Conjoint Meeting & Exhibition , 2016

Authors: Mcallister Aaron, Lall Neil

Keywords: foreign body, Crayon, MRI, CT, masticator space

Fluoroscopy of the upper GI tract (UGI) can be difficult to master given the time-sensitive nature of the examination, the necessary hand-eye coordination, the complex button layout and broad featureset of the fluoroscopic equipment, the desire for minimizing radiation dose, and the required understanding of normal anatomy. Additionally, encountering abnormal findings for the first time, particularly before one is familiar with normal findings, can lead to confusion and increased difficulty in performing the examination. The use of 3D printed models of normal anatomy in pediatric fluoroscopic UGI training simulation has previously been demonstrated as a viable alternative to learning on live patients; however, such a technique has not previously been used with known pathological anatomic configurations. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2019 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2019

Authors: Lall Neil, Mcgee Jack, Sarkar Korak

Keywords: 3D printing, fluoroscopy, simulation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great promise in pediatric radiology, but its adoption has been slower compared to adult imaging. Although a 2022 special issue of Pediatric Radiology highlighted potential AI applications, the number of FDA-cleared AI algorithms for pediatric radiology remains limited. As of October 2024, out of 333 FDA-cleared AI Software-as-a-Medical-Device (SaMD) tools, only 26 (8%) are applicable to pediatric imaging, despite children comprising 22% of the U.S. population. More strikingly, only three (<1%) of these SaMD tools are specifically designed for pediatric use, focusing on dental cavity detection, bone age assessment, and hip dysplasia. This educational exhibit showcases the different types of FDA-cleared SaMD AI algorithms designated for use in pediatric radiology and identifies the clinical needs being served as well as those that have yet to be addressed. Additionally, the exhibit will explore the discordance in the development of AI imaging tools for the pediatric population compared to adults, highlighting risks created by this gap and addressing the reasons for such a disparity. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025

Authors: Lall Neil, Spaeth-cook Douglas, Ho Mai Lan, Zucker Evan

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Pediatric Radiology, Informatics