Bruno Costanza, Minniti Salvatore
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-013
To offer a complete overview of the diagnostic hypotheses of the various fluid-containing masses which can be found in the neonatal abdomen. Read More
Authors: Bruno Costanza , Minniti Salvatore
Keywords: Ovarian cysts, renal dilation, duodenal atresia
Sharma Priya, Loubriel Daphne, Estrin Yvonne, Rajderkar Dhanashree
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-119
Learning objectives: This educational exhibit will review atypical ovarian neoplasms in the pediatric population. We will discuss the epidemiology, clinical presentation, multimodality imaging findings as seen on ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) of these rare adnexal entities. Read More
Authors: Sharma Priya , Loubriel Daphne , Estrin Yvonne , Rajderkar Dhanashree
Keywords: Atypical ovarian masses, Adnexa, Ovarian, tumors
Cielma Tara, Adeyiga Adebunmi, Bandarkar Anjum
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-022
Adnexal torsion is one of the most common gynecologic surgical emergencies. Delayed diagnosis could result in tissue necrosis, leading to loss of ovarian function and impaired fertility.
The goals of this exhibit are:
1. Review the anatomy of the female pelvis.
2. Discuss the incidence, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of adnexal torsion.
3. Describe the technical approach of performing pelvic ultrasound.
4. Illustrate the sonographic imaging spectrum of adnexal torsion.
5. Discuss diagnostic criteria of adnexal torsion.
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Authors: Cielma Tara , Adeyiga Adebunmi , Bandarkar Anjum
Keywords: adnexal torsion, ovarian torsion, fallopian tube
Burgos Daylen Sire, Epelman Monica, Park Halley, Clough Erin, Karakas S Pinar
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-038
Cystic ovarian lesions frequently occur in the female pediatric population, and they present with a varied clinical picture or can be incidentally found in imaging studies. The clinical approach and treatment considerations differ from their adult counterpart, considering the need for ovarian salvage and preservation of fertility. Also, the histologic distribution of ovarian tumors differs in pediatric and adult populations, which will alter the treatment algorithm.
We will present a pictorial review demonstrating comprehensive imaging features of adnexal cystic lesions in fetuses, infants, pre-pubertal, and peripubertal girls.
We will discuss the similar and dissimilar findings in the radiologic presentation of adnexal cystic lesions in the pediatric population versus adults for proper management.
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Authors: Burgos Daylen Sire , Epelman Monica , Park Halley , Clough Erin , Karakas S Pinar
Keywords: ovarian, cyst
Jackson Dana, Gould Sharon, Choudhary Arabinda, Epelman Monica
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-082
Acute onset pelvic pain in a pubertal girl has many possible etiologies. Reproductive, urinary and gastrointestinal pathology all can underlie acute onset pelvic pain in this age group and may have similar presentations. We present a series of six cases in which MRI was utilized for further evaluation of US findings and either confirmed the need for surgical intervention, or established the cause of pain and eliminated the need for surgery. Read More
Authors: Jackson Dana , Gould Sharon , Choudhary Arabinda , Epelman Monica
Keywords: Pelvic pain, Ovarian torsion, Appendicitis
Dahmoush Hisham, Chauvin Nancy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-046
Massive ovarian edema (MOE) is a rare benign condition that affects childbearing women including girls. MOE is thought to result from intermittent or partial torsion of the ovary compromising the venous and lymphatic drainage but with preserved arterial supply. The clinical features of MOE are nonspecific and can simulate tumors, frequently resulting in oopherectomy. Fertility-sparing surgery may be undertaken if the diagnosis is considered prospectively and intraoperatively with a wedge biopsy, avoiding unnecessary resection of the affected ovary. We present clinical presentations and imaging features that should alert pediatric radiologists to the diagnosis of MOE. Read More
Authors: Dahmoush Hisham , Chauvin Nancy
Rasheed Shabana, Gershony Sharon
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-050
The differential diagnosis of ovarian tumors in children and adolescents is distinct from adults. Imaging features on ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and PET/CT can help differentiate aggressive from non-aggressive ovarian tumors. A large mass with solid components and heterogeneity on US, CT and MRI, and a high metabolic rate on FDG PET, indicates an increase risk of malignancy. Adequate diagnosis and staging of ovarian tumors in children and adolescents is crucial for proper management, which includes minimally invasive and function-preserving outcomes, with a curative intent. The purpose of this educational poster is to illustrate the imaging manifestations of some of the pediatric ovarian tumors based on our experience at our hospital. Read More
Authors: Rasheed Shabana , Gershony Sharon
Keywords: Ovarian, tumors
Stanescu A. Luana, Otjen Jeffrey, Parisi Marguerite
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-075
Ovarian torsion is rare in neonates and infants. Clinical diagnosis is challenging in the setting of lack of specific symptoms and the limitations in assessing pain in infants. Torsed ovaries in this patient population are also a diagnostic dilemma on imaging. In this study we reviewed the spectrum of imaging findings with pathologic correlation in a large series of patients.
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Authors: Stanescu A. Luana , Otjen Jeffrey , Parisi Marguerite
Keywords: Neonatal, infantile, Ovarian Torsion
Katirtzidou Eirini, Laurent Meryle, Habre Celine, Toso Seema
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-019
Ovarian masses are the most common tumours in paediatric population. Although there is data available on imaging characteristics of different types of masses, benign and malignant, there is no standard imaging classification system. The Ovarian-Adnexal Reporting and Data System Ultrasound (O-RADS) classification system currently used for adults, has not been extensively applied and tested in children and adolescents. Read More
Authors: Katirtzidou Eirini , Laurent Meryle , Habre Celine , Toso Seema
Keywords: ovarian mass, O-RADS, diagnostic accuracy
Mackintosh Cecilia, Gonzalez Veronica, Funes Poblete Flavia, Vargas Maria
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-025
To describe the most frequent imaging findings of ovarian tumors in pediatric patients through different imaging methods (ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging), in order to help in the differential diagnosis between benign from malignant pathology. Read More
Authors: Mackintosh Cecilia , Gonzalez Veronica , Funes Poblete Flavia , Vargas Maria
Keywords: Ovarian tumors
Mikhchi Amir, Ryabets-lienhard Anna, Cheung Clement, Geffner Mitchell, Lai Lillian
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-006
Massive ovarian enlargement (without underlying mass) is a rare finding in neonates. Ovarian enlargement has been associated with insulin-resistant states such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and rare congenital syndromes such as infants with leprechaunism. However, the extent, severity, and radiographic findings of ovarian growth in infants with syndromes of insulin resistance have not been fully described. We report a case of severe ovarian enlargement in an infant with congenital insulin resistance.
A two-month-old born at 37 weeks via C-section with a history of intrauterine growth restriction was admitted for hyperglycemia consistent with neonatal diabetes and was subsequently diagnosed with insulin resistance syndrome (either leprechaunism or Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome) secondary to an INSR gene mutation. Insulin and proinsulin levels at 3 weeks of age were markedly elevated to 582.3 uIU/mL (2.0 – 19.6) and 674.3 pmol/L (≤ 18.8), respectively.
An abdominal ultrasound (US) performed for abdominal distension demonstrated very enlarged ovaries containing sub-centimeter follicles. Ovarian volumes were 12.8 mL and 8.7 mL on the right and left, respectively. The mean ovarian volume for this age is 1.06 mL with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.96; this would place this patient's right and left ovaries 12.2 and 8.0 SD above the mean, respectively.
CT performed at three months of age for evaluation of persistent fevers demonstrated further enlargement of the ovaries. Ovarian volumes were 106 mL and 60 mL on the right and left, which were 109 and 61 SD above the mean, respectively. A repeat US performed at four months of age showed decreasing ovarian volumes measuring 51 mL and 18 mL on the right and left, respectively (which were still 49 and 25 SD above the mean).
We postulate that this case of massive ovarian enlargement in the setting of severe insulin resistance was likely due to an insulin-mediated gonadotropin-independent mechanism, as has been previously suggested in infants with leprechaunism (perhaps mediated through an intact homologous IGF-I receptor). The ovarian enlargement seen in post-pubertal females with PCOS may have a similar pathogenesis, with resultant granulosa cell proliferation with antral follicles. Ovarian cysts have also been seen in non-insulin-resistant hyperinsulinemic infants of diabetic mothers, suggesting that high circulating serum insulin may act in the trophic manner typical of gonadotropic hormones.
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Authors: Mikhchi Amir , Ryabets-lienhard Anna , Cheung Clement , Geffner Mitchell , Lai Lillian
Keywords: Ovarian Enlargement, Insulin-resistance
Fink Adam, Agarwal Prakhar, Liszewski Mark, Kurian Jessica, Levin Terry
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-006
The canal of Nuck, described by Anton Nuck in 1691, is an evagination of peritoneum into the labia majora and represents a patent processus vaginalis in females. While it usually undergoes obliteration soon after birth, it may be complicated by the accumulation of fluid (female hydrocele), or herniation of the bowel, the adnexa or the uterus into this potential space.We discuss the embryology of the Canal of Nuck and the various complications that may arise in infants and young girls with a patent canal. Read More
Authors: Fink Adam , Agarwal Prakhar , Liszewski Mark , Kurian Jessica , Levin Terry
Keywords: canal of nuck, female hydrocele, ovarian herniation
Jackson Dana, Gould Sharon, Reichard Kirk, Epelman Monica
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-059
Tubo-ovarian abscesses are uncommon and are usually associated with pelvic inflammatory disease secondary to sexually transmitted disease; however, there has been a small number of reported cases occurring in non-sexually active girls. A series of six virginal girls with tubo-ovarian abscesses is presented for discussion of the clinical circumstances, imaging findings and diagnostic difficulties encountered in this uncommon diagnosis. Read More
Authors: Jackson Dana , Gould Sharon , Reichard Kirk , Epelman Monica
Keywords: Tubo-ovarian, adnexal, abscess, appendicitis
Krauss Jillian, Cole Tiffany, Wyers Mary
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-045
Torsion and volvulus can affect a variety of organ systems throughout the body, ranging from pathology involving the gastrointestinal tract to the reproductive organs and even the lymphatic system. Torsion and volvulus, regardless of the affected organ, often presents acutely, prompting pediatric patients to seek urgent clinical evaluation either through their pediatrician or the Emergency Department. Accurate and timely diagnosis of these conditions and prompt surgical intervention is critical for both preserving organ viability and preventing patient morbidity and mortality. In these patients, there is a high reliance on imaging for confirmation of the diagnosis.
The purpose of this educational exhibit will be to discuss commonly encountered types of torsion and volvulus in pediatric patients in the emergent setting, with a focus on the imaging features and important clinical and radiologic associations in these conditions. The exhibit will highlight pathologies including midgut volvulus, gastric volvulus, sigmoid volvulus, splenic torsion, testicular torsion, and ovarian torsion, among others, in a case-based format. It is important that the radiologist be able to quickly and reliably diagnosis these potentially life-threatening conditions, as well as recognize any other potential conditions the patient may be at risk for.
This educational exhibit is designed to improve reader comfort and awareness with respect to these various conditions. In addition to reviewing the traditional imaging approach in diagnosing these pathologies, the exhibit will also address some emerging methods in detection of volvulus and torsion, including ultrasound for diagnosis of malrotation with midgut volvulus and rapid MRI for the diagnosis of ovarian torsion.
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Authors: Krauss Jillian , Cole Tiffany , Wyers Mary
Keywords: Volvulus, Emergency/Acute, Ovarian Torsion