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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Katherine Barton

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Showing 3 Abstracts.

Ultrasound is frequently utilized to screen for intracranial pathologies in neonates, including intracranial hemorrhage. There are several risk factors that predispose to neonatal intracranial hemorrhage including prematurity and bleeding diathesis (Tan 2018). Intracranial hemorrhage typically appears hyperechoic on ultrasound, although very rare cases of hypoechoic hemorrhage have been reported in patients receiving anticoagulation in the setting of ECMO (Bulas 1991, Svrckova 2020). Here we present a case of multifocal hypoechoic acute intracranial hemorrhages in a premature neonate with thrombocytopenia of unclear etiology. Though a connection between anticoagulation and echogenicity of hemorrhage has not been firmly established, this raises the question of how coagulation status can affect the ultrasound characteristics of hemorrhage. Our patient is a premature female infant born at 35w1d via uncomplicated cesarean delivery to a 30-year-old G1P0 mother with routine prenatal care. Gestation was complicated by intrauterine growth restriction. Mother also had Covid-19 during the pregnancy and exposure to Zika virus without confirmed infection. After birth, APGAR scores were 8 and 8. A head ultrasound performed on the first day of life was unremarkable. Initial labs were notable for a platelet count of 13k requiring seven platelet transfusions. On day of life 12 the infant was found to have an increasing head circumference with full fontanelles. Follow up head ultrasound at this time revealed multifocal hypoechoic lesions in the brain parenchyma but no hyperechoic hemorrhage. On MRI obtained the same day those hypoechoic foci demonstrated heterogenous T1 isointensity and increased susceptibility consistent with intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Platelets at that time were 69k. Delayed head ultrasound 5 weeks later revealed significant cystic encephalomalacia with parenchymal volume loss and ventriculomegaly. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024

Authors: Binette Maliyan, Dean Haley, Barton Katherine

Keywords: Neurosonography, Hemorrhage

The Choosing Wisely initiative, led by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation in collaboration with over 80 medical societies and organizations, was launched in 2012 in the United States and Canada. Choosing Wisely is a response to the estimation that roughly 20% of current medical tests and therapies lack justification, provide no value, and may pose risks. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) became a participant in Choosing Wisely from the start, resulting in 16 pediatric specialty-specific lists designed to assist AAP members in responsible healthcare resource management. While pediatric radiology did not develop its own list, imaging recommendations were included on fully half of the published AAP/Choosing Wisely lists. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2024 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course , 2024

Authors: Ramirez Suarez Karen, Miranda Schaeubinger Monica, Barton Katherine, Riedesel Erica, Otero Hansel

Keywords: Pediatric, Imaging, Radiology

The Society of Pediatric Radiology (SPR) has recognized the urgent need for improved education in neonatal imaging, especially given rapid advancements and innovation in imaging technology and techniques. This initiative is aimed at pinpointing specific areas within neonatal imaging that require enhanced outreach and training for physicians, ultimately to improve care for neonates. Read More

Meeting name: SPR 2025 Annual Meeting , 2025

Authors: Gwal Kriti, A Ebinesh, Ames Jeff, Dong Su-zhen, Lorenz Kevin, Hwang Misun, Barton Katherine, Birkemeier Krista, Shah Chetan, Verhage Thomas, Narayanan Srikala, Li Yi, Janitz Emily, Brown Brandon

Keywords: Education, Neonatal, Preterm Neonate