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Society for Pediatric Radiology – Poster Archive

Showing 12 Abstracts.

Calderon Kylie,  Robinson Joshua,  Husain Nazia,  Popescu Andrada,  Rigsby Cynthia

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-007

Coronary artery abnormalities are a serious complication following the arterial switch operation (ASO) for d-transposition of the great arteries (TGA). While CTA optimally visualizes the coronaries, prior studies have found potentially high-risk coronary lesions in asymptomatic s/p ASO patients, raising questions about when CTA is warranted. CMR is commonly used for monitoring after the ASO, offering assessment without radiation. However, its utility for coronary evaluation remains unclear. We aimed to (1) compare the indications and outcomes of CMR vs. CTA after ASO, and (2) compare coronary features between modalities. Read More

Authors:  Calderon Kylie , Robinson Joshua , Husain Nazia , Popescu Andrada , Rigsby Cynthia

Keywords:  Cardiac MRI, Congenital Heart Disease, Computed Tomographic Angiography

Salman Rida,  More Snehal,  Ferreira Botelho Marcos,  Ketwaroo Pamela,  Masand Prakash,  Molossi Silvana,  Jadhav Siddharth

Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 047

Anomalous Aortic Origin of Coronary Artery (AAOCA) is the 2nd most common cause of sudden cardiac death in the young. Coronary artery origins are evaluated as part of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and diagnostic precision may be limited by technical limitations, operator dependence, and patient cooperation. MRI and gated Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography (CCTA) are often utilized in patients where an anomaly is suspected on TTE. There is limited literature comparing TTE and CCTA in children with suspected AAOCA. The purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of various coronary anomalies comparing TTE and CCTA data, and define the added value advanced imaging brings in clinical decision-making. Read More

Authors:  Salman Rida , More Snehal , Ferreira Botelho Marcos , Ketwaroo Pamela , Masand Prakash , Molossi Silvana , Jadhav Siddharth

Keywords:  Anomalous coronaries, CT angiography, Echocardiography

Greer Mary-louise,  Grosse-wortmann Lars

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-047

Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is one of the most common childhood vasculitides, primarily involving large and, to a lesser extent, medium sized arteries. The aorta and pulmonary arteries are most frequently affected. Historically, diagnosis depended on typical fluoroscopic angiographic features, in conjunction with a number of clinical and hematologic criteria. Increasingly, a range of imaging modalities is used in initial diagnosis as well as for monitoring disease progression and treatment response. The purpose of this educational exhibit is to provide an update on the current role of imaging in TA, defining disease extent and activity, as well as highlighting end organ complications. Read More

Authors:  Greer Mary-louise , Grosse-wortmann Lars

Keywords:  vasculitides, angiography, MRI, CT, ultrasound

Luhar Aarti,  Vu Dan,  Holmes Nathan,  Renella Pierangelo

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-069

Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) is a valuable non-invasive tool for assessment of congenital heart disease in neonates. Though it requires less radiation, contrast and sedation than catheter angiography, which is the current standard of care, traditional CTA can still necessitate significant radiation dose, sedation, breath-holding and/or low heart-rates to achieve diagnostic studies. In this frequently imaged neonatal patient population, it is imperative to minimize cumulative radiation to limit the lifetime risk of cancer. At our institution, we have successfully used a new fast-acquisition FLASH CTA protocol to achieve high quality imaging of neonates with complex congenital heart disease with minimal radiation dose and without sedation. Read More

Authors:  Luhar Aarti , Vu Dan , Holmes Nathan , Renella Pierangelo

Keywords:  Computed Tomography Angiography, Congenital Heart Disease, Radiation Dose Reduction

Priya Sarv,  Nagpal Prashant

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-004

This exhibit explores the microbolus injection technique in pediatric cardiac CT angiography, providing a comparison to traditional bolus and test bolus methods. The microbolus technique involves delivering multiple small, precisely timed boluses of contrast media, each followed by saline flushes, using a dual-head power injector. Unlike the standard bolus injection, which administers a single large volume of contrast, the microbolus technique dispenses several smaller doses of contrast at regular intervals, interspersed with saline. This approach synchronizes the contrast circulation with the patient’s cardiac output and vascular dynamics, ensuring enhanced opacification of key heart structures, particularly in pediatric patients. The saline flushes help maintain a steady flow and promote even distribution of the contrast, preventing pooling. The primary aim is to achieve simultaneous, uniform opacification of both right and left heart structures, including coronary arteries, pulmonary arteries, and systemic veins, all within a single scan. This precise timing and contrast distribution have the potential to reduce the need for repeat imaging caused by suboptimal visualization, thus potentially lowering radiation exposure and contrast volume.

This educational exhibit will address the following:

A comprehensive overview of the microbolus injection technique, highlighting its distinction from traditional bolus and test bolus injections.
An explanation of injector requirements and how the precise timing of contrast and saline boluses is achieved.
Potential advantages of achieving simultaneous opacification of both right and left heart structures.
The possibility of reducing the need for repeat or delayed scans, potentially decreasing radiation exposure.
A discussion of the technique's limitations and practical considerations for clinical implementation.
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Authors:  Priya Sarv , Nagpal Prashant

Keywords:  Cardiovascular, CT Angiography, Teaching

Metz Terrence,  Richer Edward,  Vellody Ranjith

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-094

To present nine classic pediatric diagnostic imaging cases and their subsequent interventional managements in order to emphasize the interventionalist's role in caring for the child and educate the pediatric radiologist to guide further care. Read More

Authors:  Metz Terrence , Richer Edward , Vellody Ranjith

Keywords:  Interventional, biopsy, drain, angiography

Thomas-chausse Frederic,  Proisy Maïa,  Mccuaig Catherine,  Rypens Francoise,  Lapierre Chantale,  Dubois Josée

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-005

Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation (CM-AVM) is an autosomal dominant disorder with variable phenotype caused by heterozygous inactivating mutations in the RASA1 gene located on chromosome 5. Clinical manifestations are variable with cutaneous multifocal capillary malformation associated with fast-flow lesions. Most of them are located in soft tissues (intramuscular, intraosseous, spinal or cerebral). Many authors reported the clinical spectrum or the genetic association but few data are available on the imaging characteristics or criteria to establish the diagnosis of AVM. The goal of this poster is to review the imaging characteristics in the RASA1 series of our institution and in particular to evaluate the distribution of patients having true AVMs versus capillary hypervascularity. Read More

Authors:  Thomas-chausse Frederic , Proisy Maïa , Mccuaig Catherine , Rypens Francoise , Lapierre Chantale , Dubois Josée

Keywords:  RASA1, Magnetic Resonance, Angiography

Yen Christopher,  Kukreja Kamlesh,  Masand Prakash

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-010

Female conjoined throraco-omphalopagus twins were delivered via cesarean section at 35 weeks 5 days gestational age to a 38-year-old mother who received standard prenatal care. After resuscitation, the twins were transferred to the neonatal ICU, where they remained for monitoring and growth as they were assessed for potential separation.
CT angiography was performed at 3-4 months of life using a staged approach. Selective IV and oral contrast administration was used over two visits to delineate shared and non-shared structures. Most significantly, there was a single shared liver with anomalous hepatic venous drainage. Twin A had three normal caliber hepatic veins draining into a normal IVC, but a large branch of the middle hepatic vein traversed midline into Twin B and received hepatic venous drainage from Twin B via numerous anomalous vessels. Twin B had a normal IVC but three diminutive hepatic veins, thought to be due to reduced venous drainage as a result of the anomalous shared vasculature.
After multidisciplinary discussion, interventional radiology was consulted for hepatic venogram and intervention as needed. The anomalous communicating vessels were identified on hepatic venogram via Twin A femoral approach. Occlusion of the anomalous branches was achieved with serial embolization of the primary draining vessel on the Twin A side using Amplatzer vascular plugs. Successful occlusion was confirmed on venography after the final embolization procedure.
Follow-up Doppler ultrasound exams confirmed improved hepatic venous outflow in Twin B, initially with reversal of flow in the anomalous veins back toward the IVC of Twin B, followed by nonvisualization of the anomalous veins on later exams. CT angiography later showed enlarged caliber of the native Twin B hepatic veins. Following the optimization of hepatic venous outflow, the multispecialty surgical team proceeded with separation. The twins were separated at 13 months of age without complication. In addition to restoring venous outflow to allow for a successful surgical outcome, it was noted that the Amplatzer devices were used as surgical landmarks during separation for identification of shared anatomy. Through careful planning and execution, diagnostic and interventional radiology techniques played a critical role in this successful outcome.
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Authors:  Yen Christopher , Kukreja Kamlesh , Masand Prakash

Keywords:  Conjoined twins, Interventional Radiology, CT Angiography

Salman Rida,  More Snehal,  Ferreira Botelho Marcos,  Ketwaroo Pamela,  Masand Prakash,  Jadhav Siddharth

Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 048

Norwood procedure is a 3-stage surgical palliation for patients with functionally single ventricle anatomy, most commonly hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Complications after stage I operation are not uncommon and include Blalock Taussig Thomas (BTT) /Sano shunt abnormalities, Damus-Kaye-Stansel (DKS) anastomotic narrowing, and neo-aortic arch /branch vessel stenosis. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is traditionally the mainstay for evaluation. The purpose of our study is to compare Gated Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography (CCTA) with TTE when evaluating post-operative complications after stage I Norwood procedure and implications of CCTA findings on management.
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Authors:  Salman Rida , More Snehal , Ferreira Botelho Marcos , Ketwaroo Pamela , Masand Prakash , Jadhav Siddharth

Keywords:  Congenital heart disease, CT Angiography, Echocardiography

Hull Nathan,  Robb Tiffany,  Young Phillip

Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-039

This poster will review the complexities and challenges of performing CTA on pediatric patients on ECMO and provide practical suggestions for performing these exams. Read More

Authors:  Hull Nathan , Robb Tiffany , Young Phillip

Keywords:  ECMO, CT Angiography, Pediatric

Smitthimedhin Anilawan,  Otero Hansel,  Cahill Anne Marie,  Durand Rachelle

Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 143

Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is an important cause of hypertension in children. When suspected, imaging options include Doppler US, CTA and MRA. However, conventional angiography remains the gold standard. We investigate the accuracy and inter-reader reliability of CTA in children with suspected renal artery stenosis. Read More

Authors:  Smitthimedhin Anilawan , Otero Hansel , Cahill Anne Marie , Durand Rachelle

Keywords:  Renal Artery Stenosis, CTA, Angiography