Smitthimedhin Anilawan, Krishnamurthy Ganesh, Sridharan Anush, Poznick Laura, Durand Rachelle, Whitaker Jayme, Escobar Fernando, Bauer Andrew, Cahill Anne Marie
Final Pr. ID: Paper #: 140
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and shear wave elastography (SWE) have been widely studied in adult thyroid disease. However, evaluation of thyroid nodules using these tools in pediatric patients has yet to be published.
We aim to evaluate the feasibility and safety of CEUS and SWE for thyroid nodules in children at the time of cytologic biopsy.
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Authors: Smitthimedhin Anilawan , Krishnamurthy Ganesh , Sridharan Anush , Poznick Laura , Durand Rachelle , Whitaker Jayme , Escobar Fernando , Bauer Andrew , Cahill Anne Marie
Keywords: CEUS, Elastography, Thyroid
Marie Eman, Navallas María, Gerrie Samantha, Olkh Juhi, Elghamudi Taha, Inarejos Clemente Emilio J, Navarro Oscar, Martinez-rios Claudia, Vali Reza
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-094
Thyroid cancer is the most prevalent endocrine malignancy in the pediatric population. Accurate diagnosis and staging of thyroid carcinoma demand a multimodality approach, including anatomic imaging with US, CT, and MRI, alongside functional or metabolic nuclear imaging. Novel imaging techniques such as US elastography, contrast-enhanced US (CEUS), superb microvascular imaging (SMI) and dual-source dual-energy thyroid CT have offered non-invasive tools to assess disease status. Furthermore, the emerging field of radiomics/radiogenomics and artificial intelligence is continuously growing, creating models to classify or predict disease behaviour. We provide a comprehensive overview of the essential imaging characteristics of pediatric thyroid carcinoma using conventional and novel imaging techniques. In addition, we illustrate the multimodality, multidisciplinary, and collaborative approach across pediatric radiology and nuclear medicine in pre-operative, post-operative and post-treatment imaging surveillance of cancer thyroid in children. Read More
Authors: Marie Eman , Navallas María , Gerrie Samantha , Olkh Juhi , Elghamudi Taha , Inarejos Clemente Emilio J , Navarro Oscar , Martinez-rios Claudia , Vali Reza
Navallas Maria, Daneman Alan, Amirabadi Afsaneh, Wasserman Jonathan
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-067
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of US and the most useful sonographic features for diagnosing metastatic cervical adenopathy in pediatric patients with thyroid carcinoma Read More
Authors: Navallas Maria , Daneman Alan , Amirabadi Afsaneh , Wasserman Jonathan
Keywords: Thyroid carcinoma, cervical lymphadenopathy, ultrasound
Martinez-rios Claudia, Bajno Lydia, Daneman Alan, Moineddin Rahim, Van Der Kaay Danielle Cm, Wasserman Jonathan
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-109
High-resolution ultrasonography (US) is a valuable and accessible imaging tool to assess and characterize the thyroid gland in children. Pediatric thyroid nodules are infrequent. However, the incidence of thyroid carcinoma in children is near twice the adult population, where the risk of malignancy is up to 15%. Children also have an increased risk for recurrence (39%) as compared to adults, justifying further work and a more aggressive approach. Prompt recognition of the common and uncommon sonographic features of thyroid cancer in children will allow radiologist to identify this malignancy in early stages of the disease, expediting appropriate treatment improving the standard of patient care. The purpose of this exhibit is to 1. To illustrate the spectrum of sonographic findings of thyroid cancer in a pediatric population. 2. To describe the typical sonographic characteristics of malignant thyroid nodules in children. 3. To identify the uncommon features of pediatric thyroid cancer. 4. To describe an appropriate approach to deal with uncertain diagnosis. Read More
Authors: Martinez-rios Claudia , Bajno Lydia , Daneman Alan , Moineddin Rahim , Van Der Kaay Danielle Cm , Wasserman Jonathan
Keywords: Thyroid, cancer, children, ultrasound
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: CR-013
Ectopic thymic tissue may be found in the neck in up to 20% of the general population. Intrathyroidal thymic rest has been described as a rare entity, present in as many as 1% of children. The course of thymic migration parallels the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which explains their similar ectopic locations. While the natural history of these lesions has not been well studied, it is likely that there is involution of thymic rests with age. A few individual case reports have described the imaging features of intrathryoidal thymic rests confirmed by histopathology and flow cytometry. The aim of this case series is to raise awareness of the characteristic sonographic appearance of this entity to the radiology community. Read More
Authors: Alazraki Adina , Milla Sarah
Keywords: Thymic rest, TiRAD, Thyroid
Malak Wassim, Zhu Jia, Castro-aragon Ilse, Setty Bindu
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-034
Several ultrasound (US) findings are associated with specific thyroid diseases, but in the vast majority of cases, only a few of these findings are seen. The purpose of this poster is to describe the US findings in a variety of clinically/biopsy-proven thyroid diseases and analyze the frequency of such findings in each of the following diseases. Read More
Authors: Malak Wassim , Zhu Jia , Castro-aragon Ilse , Setty Bindu
Keywords: Ultrasound, Thyroid, Pediatrics
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-037
To evaluate the association between thyroid echogenicity and heterogeneity seen on ultrasonography (US) and thyroid function in pediatric and adolescent populations with autoimmune diffuse thyroid diseases (AITD). Read More
Authors: Hwang Sook Min
Keywords: Thyroid, Ultrasound, Adolescent
Biyyam Deepa, Patel Mittun, Dance Logan, Dao Tuan, Youssfi Mostafa, Towbin Richard
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-096
After reviewing the exhibit, participants will be able to recognize suspicious and non-suspicious ultrasound (US) features of pediatric thyroid nodules which will help to triage nodules that need a biopsy. Read More
Authors: Biyyam Deepa , Patel Mittun , Dance Logan , Dao Tuan , Youssfi Mostafa , Towbin Richard
Mirza Sobia, Sanchez Ramon, Ma Grace, Cielma Tara, Vaidyanathan Priya
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: EDU-067
Thyroid hemiagenesis (TH) is a rare congenital abnormality associated with a higher incidence of thyroid disease. It is often asymptomatic and an incidental finding. However, TH may present as a palpable thyroid nodule, prompting sonography and thyroid function testing. Ultrasound (US) can differentiate between total absence of the thyroid lobe and severe hypoplasia. It is also useful for guiding fine needle aspiration when warranted. Scintigraphy is useful for determining the presence of ectopic thyroid tissue and to further characterize focal nodular thyroid lesions. Despite their respective roles, imaging findings on both US and scintigraphy can pose diagnostic challenges to the pediatric radiologist.
This educational poster will review the embryology of the thyroid gland, frequency of TH, clinical presentation and associations with additional thyroid anomalies such as malignancy, thyroiditis and abnormal gland function. Imaging features of TH will be reviewed with focus on (US) and scintigraphy.
The goals of this exhibit are:
1. Review the incidence and clinical presentation of pediatric patients with TH
2. Describe the imaging findings and role of ultrasound and scintigraphy in the diagnosis and follow-up of TH
3. Discuss prognosis and outcomes of TH in children
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Authors: Mirza Sobia , Sanchez Ramon , Ma Grace , Cielma Tara , Vaidyanathan Priya
Keywords: thyroid, hemiagenesis, cancer
Retamal Caro Andres, Pérez-marrero Lizbet, Horvath Eleonora, Silva Claudio, Rojas Paula
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-088
To determine the percentage of malignancy for the different TIRADS categories and the ultrasound patterns in children and adolescents.
To calculate the interobserver variability in the use of TIRADS classification in this group.
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Authors: Retamal Caro Andres , Pérez-marrero Lizbet , Horvath Eleonora , Silva Claudio , Rojas Paula
Keywords: TIRADS, thyroid cancer, thyroid node in children and adolescent, thyroid cancer in children and adolescent, sonographic patterns of thyroid node