Pena Trujillo Valeria, Alkhadrawi Adham, Gallo Sebastian, Langarica Saul, Jaimes Camilo, Gee Michael, Do Synho, Victoria Teresa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-001
To develop an AI-based automatic tool for Amniotic fluid volume (AFV) and fetal weight (FW) quantification that easily integrates into everyday diagnostic workflow Read More
Authors: Pena Trujillo Valeria, Alkhadrawi Adham, Gallo Sebastian, Langarica Saul, Jaimes Camilo, Gee Michael, Do Synho, Victoria Teresa
Keywords: Fetal MRI , Artificial Intelligence , Diagnostic
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-002
The shortage of pediatric datasets challenges the development and evaluation of safe and effective artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)-based medical devices for pediatrics. This is the case for computer-aided triage (CADt) of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) where the incidence of ICH in the pediatric population is lower than adults thus limiting pediatric data for evaluations. Here we introduce tools for generating synthetic adult and pediatric non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) datasets with ICH modeled from limited real data to address the shortage of pediatric data for ICH device assessments. Read More
Authors: Weaver Jayse, Nelson Brandon
Keywords: Intracranial Hemorrhage , Deep Learning , Computed Tomography
Battle Wilson, Bala Wasif, Smith Hayden, Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Weinberg Brent, Trivedi Hari
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-003
Pediatric radiology presents unique educational challenges, requiring trainees to master complex imaging patterns across varying patient ages and developmental stages. We developed an innovative learning platform powered by large language models (LLMs) to address these challenges through personalized, adaptive instruction. Our approach aims to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the need for consistent, scalable feedback in pediatric imaging education. Read More
Authors: Battle Wilson, Bala Wasif, Smith Hayden, Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Weinberg Brent, Trivedi Hari
Keywords: Adaptive Learning , Educational Informatics
Vasanawala Sauram, Pauly John, Gatidis Sergios
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-004
Automated segmentation is an important step in automated processing of radiographs. However, manual generation of training data is tedious. To overcome this challenge, we leverage synthetic radiograph training data generated from CT volumes together with corresponding anatomy segmentation labels.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on the use case of automated scoliosis Cobb angle quantification.
Read More
Authors: Vasanawala Sauram, Pauly John, Gatidis Sergios
Keywords: Segmentation , Scoliosis , Deep Learning
De Medeiros Bruno, Gatidis Sergios
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-005
Deep learning models have become instrumental in medical imaging, with a wide array of applications such as automated segmentation and diagnosis. However, the majority of these models are trained on adult imaging datasets, leading to underperformance when applied to the pediatric population. This discrepancy arises from anatomical differences between these populations, posing a significant challenge in fields requiring high precision like spine segmentation in Computed Tomography (CT) scans.
Read More
Authors: De Medeiros Bruno, Gatidis Sergios
Keywords: Computed Tomography , Segmentation , Image Database
Gurevich Alexey, Itkin Maxim, Rabinowitz Deborah
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-006
Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) a highly morbid disease characterized by loss of serum proteins into the bowel. The etiology of idiopathic PLE has been poorly understood and no therapy has been available. We present a case series of 3 patients with idiopathic PLE successfully diagnosed using a combination of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR (DCMRL) hepatic, mesenteric, lymphangiography and treated with retrograde endoscopic glue embolization. Read More
Authors: Gurevich Alexey, Itkin Maxim, Rabinowitz Deborah
Keywords: Lymphatic Imaging , Thoracic Duct Patency
Calderon Kylie, Robinson Joshua, Husain Nazia, Popescu Andrada, Rigsby Cynthia
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-007
Coronary artery abnormalities are a serious complication following the arterial switch operation (ASO) for d-transposition of the great arteries (TGA). While CTA optimally visualizes the coronaries, prior studies have found potentially high-risk coronary lesions in asymptomatic s/p ASO patients, raising questions about when CTA is warranted. CMR is commonly used for monitoring after the ASO, offering assessment without radiation. However, its utility for coronary evaluation remains unclear. We aimed to (1) compare the indications and outcomes of CMR vs. CTA after ASO, and (2) compare coronary features between modalities. Read More
Authors: Calderon Kylie, Robinson Joshua, Husain Nazia, Popescu Andrada, Rigsby Cynthia
Keywords: Cardiac MRI , Congenital Heart Disease , Computed Tomographic Angiography
Seong Ye Won, Kim Pyeong Hwa, Yoon Hee Mang, Jung Ah Young, Cho Young Ah, Lee Jin Seong
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-008
To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of acute adverse reactions (ADRs) to nonionic low-osmolar iodinated contrast media (LOCM) in a pediatric population. Read More
Authors: Seong Ye Won, Kim Pyeong Hwa, Yoon Hee Mang, Jung Ah Young, Cho Young Ah, Lee Jin Seong
Keywords: Contrast Agent , CT , Safety
Benyakoub Amine, Ehrlich Lauren
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-009
Screening for developmental hip dysplasia by ultrasound (US) is most accurate after 6 weeks corrected gestational age (CGA). Scanning earlier increases false-positive rates, leading to repeat exams, stress for families, higher healthcare costs, and exposure of unvaccinated infants to sick patients. We noted that many premature infants were scheduled for hip US before 6 weeks CGA. Working with a multidisciplinary Quality Improvement (QI) team, we aimed to reduce the incorrectly scheduled exam rate from 50% to below 25% within 6 months. Read More
Authors: Benyakoub Amine, Ehrlich Lauren
Keywords: Hip Dysplasia , QI , PDSA
Zucker Evan, Shailam Randheer, Gee Michael, Victoria Teresa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-010
When evaluating a child with a potential septic hip, prompt diagnosis is important to prevent potential complications such as chondrolysis and avascular necrosis. The diagnosis often requires emergent aspiration of fluid from the hip by a skilled practitioner, traditionally a pediatric radiologist. However, the workforce of pediatric radiologists is dwindling, with retiring physicians being difficult to replace, leading to an overstretched workforce, many of whom may lack interventional skills. Lack of workforce may lead to the restructuring of medical tasks, including hip aspirations. The purpose of this study was to gauge the current participation rate of pediatric radiologists versus other specialties in performing emergency hip aspirations. Read More
Authors: Zucker Evan, Shailam Randheer, Gee Michael, Victoria Teresa
Keywords: Workload , Hip , Emergencies
Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Yang Ling, Yang Yinghua, Kadom Nadja
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-011
To evaluate and quantify the use of uncertainty language in pediatric radiology report impressions, focusing on variation of uncertainty by modality, patient demographics, and care setting. Read More
Authors: Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Yang Ling, Yang Yinghua, Kadom Nadja
Keywords: Radiologist Reporting Styles , Quality Improvement , Language
Tiangco Justin Christian, Andres Mariaem
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
The subspecialty of Pediatric Radiology is crucial for providing accurate diagnoses and guiding treatment for pediatric patients. This study evaluates the impact of a four-lecture series on Pediatric Radiology on the knowledge of clinical pediatric residents. It focuses on the American
College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria (ACR-AC) and the ability to select suitable imaging modalities.
Read More
Authors: Tiangco Justin Christian, Andres Mariaem
Keywords: Adaptive Learning , Education , Pediatric Radiology
Dorigatti Soldatelli Matheus, Calixto Camilo, Jaimes Camilo, Warfield Simon, Gholipour Ali, Karimi Davood
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-015
Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is increasingly used to study the fetal brain in utero. dMRI enables streamlined tractography, a computation with unique applications such as white matter tract-specific analysis and structural connectivity assessment. However, due to low fetal dMRI data quality and the challenging nature of tractography, existing methods often produce highly inaccurate results. This study addresses these challenges by proposing an anatomically constrained tractography method that accurately segments fetal brain tissue directly within dMRI. Read More
Authors: Dorigatti Soldatelli Matheus, Calixto Camilo, Jaimes Camilo, Warfield Simon, Gholipour Ali, Karimi Davood
Keywords: Diffusion MRI , Fetal MRI , Neural Network
De Leon-benedetti Laura, Coleman Beverly, Huynh Minh-huy, Oliver Edward, Gebb Juliana, Khalek Nahla, Soni Shelly, Looney Devon, Adzick N, Lerebo Wondwossen
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-017
Prenatal bowel dilation is often interpreted as an indicator of bowel pathology; however, it can be transient, leading to normal findings postnatally. This study aims to review cases of prenatal bowel dilation, analyze their sonographic findings, identify the most common diagnoses, and assess the concordance between prenatal and postnatal diagnoses. Read More
Authors: De Leon-benedetti Laura, Coleman Beverly, Huynh Minh-huy, Oliver Edward, Gebb Juliana, Khalek Nahla, Soni Shelly, Looney Devon, Adzick N, Lerebo Wondwossen
Keywords: Fetal
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-018
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of attenuation imaging (ATI) with an ultrasound scanner (US) in the detection of pediatric hepatic steatosis. Read More
Authors: Hwang Sook Min
Keywords: Obesity , Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease , Ultrasound
Mannava Sindhu, Chen Paula, Marine Megan, Cromeens Barrett, Karmazyn Boaz
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-020
Neonatal bowel obstruction (NBO) is the first presentation of cystic fibrosis (CF) in approximately 15–20% of cases and is most commonly due to meconium ileus (MI) in this cohort. Contrast enema (CE) is a diagnostic tool which can help discern NBO etiology with variable accuracy. CE can also be a therapeutic tool in cases of simple MI. In this study, we describe our experience with CE in diagnosis and management of meconium ileus and other pathologies causing bowel obstruction in these patients. Read More
Authors: Mannava Sindhu, Chen Paula, Marine Megan, Cromeens Barrett, Karmazyn Boaz
Keywords: Abdominal Imaging , Contrast Enema , Obstruction
Kim Joseph, Shukla Neal, Hammer Matthew, Lozano Richard, Hajibeygi Ramtin, Tu Long, Rao Balaji
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-024
A 14-year-old female was brought to the emergency department following a self-harm incident. During her assessment, she was found to have elevated blood pressures and a prolonged QTc interval. She reported frequent episodes of palpitations and dizziness over the past year, often occurring immediately after urination.
Initial ultrasound showed unremarkable kidneys and normal hemodynamics in the renal vessels. However, a heterogeneously echogenic mass with increased vascularity on color Doppler was visualized in the left bladder wall. MRI confirmed that the mass originated from the bladder base and extended through the left bladder wall, showing avid contrast enhancement and restricted diffusion. Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/CT demonstrated intense radiotracer uptake in the bladder mass, left pelvic sidewall, and left internal iliac lymph nodes.
The patient underwent chemotherapy and partial cystectomy. Pathology revealed neuroendocrine and nested features with infiltration into the smooth muscle bundles consistent with the muscularis propria of the bladder. Tumor cells tested positive for chromogranin and synaptophysin immunostains, while pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) was negative. Genetic testing identified the R242H variant in the SDHB gene.
Bladder paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors arising from the sympathetic paraganglia present in the bladder wall. They represent 6% of extra-adrenal paragangliomas and 0.05% of all bladder tumors. Typical symptoms include hypertension, hematuria, and catecholamine-associated symptoms like headaches and palpitations during micturition. Up to 63% of bladder paraganglioma patients have a germline mutation, most commonly in the SDHB subunit gene, increasing their risk of developing pheochromocytomas and additional paragangliomas. Therefore, lifelong biochemical and imaging screening from skull base to pelvis are recommended.
Bladder paragangliomas are a rare variant of extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. MRI plays an important role in the pretreatment diagnosis of bladder paraganglioma. Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/CT is highly specific and can help diagnose metastatic spread. Lifelong follow-up is recommended due to the risk of recurrence and metastasis, and the potential for developing additional paragangliomas or pheochromocytomas.
Read More
Authors: Kim Joseph, Shukla Neal, Hammer Matthew, Lozano Richard, Hajibeygi Ramtin, Tu Long, Rao Balaji
Keywords: Bladder , PET/CT , Nuclear Medicine
Ferrer Valencia Valentina, Chow Jeanne, Zhang Da, Callahan Michael, Kephart Morie, Tsai Andy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-025
Nephrolithiasis, once considered an adult condition, is now increasingly prevalent in pediatric populations, leading to flank pain, hydronephrosis, and potential renal failure. Traditional imaging modalities for diagnosing pediatric nephrolithiasis, such as ultrasound and CT, are evolving, with newer protocols (e.g., ultra-low dose CT with tin filtration) being developed. The aim of this study was to design and validate an ex vivo porcine model to simulate pediatric renal stones, providing a substrate for the advancement of imaging techniques in renal stone detection and characterization. Read More
Authors: Ferrer Valencia Valentina, Chow Jeanne, Zhang Da, Callahan Michael, Kephart Morie, Tsai Andy
Keywords: Abdomen CT , Renal Stones , Ultrasound
Khan Hasan, Hernandez Alberto, Chau Alex, Akhtar Zahra, Upton Ashley
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-027
This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and impact of portal vein interventions in pediatric patients; which includes recanalization with venoplasty or stenting and their effects on hepatic and splenic hemodynamics through pre- and post-procedural liver and spleen elastography. Read More
Authors: Khan Hasan, Hernandez Alberto, Chau Alex, Akhtar Zahra, Upton Ashley
Keywords: Elastography , Portal Hypertension , Portal Vein Thrombosis
Perdomo Camilo, Kammen Bamindele, Pepic Lejla, Sabharwal Sanjeev, Kvist Ola, Jambawalikar Sachin, Hitt Dave, Jaramillo Diego
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-028
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a magnetic resonance imaging technique that measures the diffusion of water molecules restricted by cellular structures, providing insights into tissue microarchitecture. In the physeal metaphyseal complex (PMC), columns of cartilage and newly formed bone restrict water diffusion primarily along the longitudinal axis. This study aims to delineate physeal DTI parameters—such as tract volumes—in young children. By establishing early developmental benchmarks, we address a gap in pediatric musculoskeletal DTI literature and assess the potential of DTI in monitoring growth patterns. Read More
Authors: Perdomo Camilo, Kammen Bamindele, Pepic Lejla, Sabharwal Sanjeev, Kvist Ola, Jambawalikar Sachin, Hitt Dave, Jaramillo Diego
Okonjo Ethel, Oshodi Connell, Marine Megan, Karmazyn Boaz, Newman Christopher
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-029
Premature infants are at an increased risk of physical abuse. However, the rate of classic metaphysical lesions (CMLs) in premature infants is currently unknown. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to compare the rates of CMLs in premature infants relative to term infants. Read More
Authors: Okonjo Ethel, Oshodi Connell, Marine Megan, Karmazyn Boaz, Newman Christopher
Keywords: Abusive Injury , Classic Metaphyseal Lesion , Preterm Neonate
Saxena Akshay, Yadav Nishita, Bhatia Anmol, Sudesh Pebam, Ghosh Aakash, Sodhi Kushaljit
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-030
To evaluate inter observer and intra observer variations for vertebral pedicle morphometeric measurements in pediatric scoliosis patients using non contrast computed tomographic (NCCT) scan. Read More
Authors: Saxena Akshay, Yadav Nishita, Bhatia Anmol, Sudesh Pebam, Ghosh Aakash, Sodhi Kushaljit
Keywords: Computed Tomography , Spine , Scoliosis
Huetter Konstanze, Butter Sophie, Tschauner Sebastian, Kraus Tanja
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-031
Current radiological parameters for evaluating the growing hip, including the acetabular angle (AC), centre-edge angle (CE), and Reimer’s migration index (MI), are based on data from a small, decades-old patient cohort. This study aims to determine whether these parameters remain valid by analysing pelvic radiographs from a more contemporary and larger population. Read More
Authors: Huetter Konstanze, Butter Sophie, Tschauner Sebastian, Kraus Tanja
Keywords: Musculoskeletal , Radiographic Findings , Hip
Nuruzzaman Farzana, Ferguson Polly, Zhao Yongdong, Sato T Shawn, Stimec Jennifer, Iyer Ramesh, Carbert Andrew, Paschke Joel, Potts Lauren, Zhang Xiaoyue, Maksymowych Walter
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-032
The ChRonic nonbacterial Osteomyelitis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring (CROMRIS) consensus-based scoring system was adapted to assess specific features of bone and soft tissue inflammation in MRI of patients with CNO in a web-based interface. The objectives were to evaluate the absolute agreement of components of and summary CROMRIS scores at each body site, and the inter-rater reliability across raters. Read More
Authors: Nuruzzaman Farzana, Ferguson Polly, Zhao Yongdong, Sato T Shawn, Stimec Jennifer, Iyer Ramesh, Carbert Andrew, Paschke Joel, Potts Lauren, Zhang Xiaoyue, Maksymowych Walter
Keywords: Whole Body MRI , Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-034
It has been known that the pituitary gland volume (PV) in idiopathic central precocious puberty (IPP) is significantly higher than in healthy children. However, most PV measurements rely on manual quantitative methods, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. This study aims to automatically measure the PV of patients with IPP using artificial intelligence to accurately quantify the correlation between IPP and PV, and to improve the efficiency of diagnosing IPP. Read More
Authors: Kim Hayoun, Yu In Kyu
Keywords: Pituitary Abnormalities , Puberty , Artificial Intelligence
Le David, Durham Phillip, Adams Caroline, Dayton Paul, Hwang Misun
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035
Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a promising non-invasive technique for targeted drug-delivery to the brain through the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Preclinical research into FUS-mediated BBB opening is largely limited to dedicated labs as precise imaging and targeting of brain regions is dependent on well-calibrated stereotactic stages. Here, we present a low-cost, portable system that allows for precise and reproducible image-guided FUS using a motorized, consumer-available motion-stage with techniques for calibration. Read More
Authors: Le David, Durham Phillip, Adams Caroline, Dayton Paul, Hwang Misun
Keywords: Ultrasound , Surgical Planning
Hwang Jisun, Hwang Jae-yeon, Moon Jayoung, You Seulgi
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-036
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of ultrasound (US) features for differentiating malignant from benign cervical lymphadenopathy in children. Read More
Authors: Hwang Jisun, Hwang Jae-yeon, Moon Jayoung, You Seulgi
Keywords: Ultrasonography , Cervical Lymphadenopathy , Malignant
Park Ji Eun, Shin Su-mi, Yoo So Young, Jeon Tae Yeon, Kim Ji Hye
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-038
Kimura’s disease is rare chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology. The cause and pathogenesis is unclear. Our study is to describe the clinical and radiologic features of Kimura’s disease (KD) in children and young adults, which often presents as a diagnostic challenge. Read More
Authors: Park Ji Eun, Shin Su-mi, Yoo So Young, Jeon Tae Yeon, Kim Ji Hye
Keywords: Head & Neck , Mass
Johnson Abigail, Chapman Teresa, Elezaby Mai, Fowler Amy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-040
Appropriate imaging evaluation and management of pediatric patients with breast symptoms is important to avoid recommending unnecessary imaging follow-up or invasive procedures that cause stress for patients and their caregivers and potential damage to the developing breast. Current practice parameters focus on adults, and there is no evidence-based consensus statement from professional societies to guide management specifically for pediatric breast masses. The objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance and outcomes of breast imaging in our pediatric patient population and further contribute to evidence guiding management for this clinical scenario. Read More
Authors: Johnson Abigail, Chapman Teresa, Elezaby Mai, Fowler Amy
Keywords: Breast , Ultrasound
Zember Jonathan, Turkbey Evrim, Bulas Dorothy, Bost James, Liang Jason, Rubenstein Kevin, Gould Nicholas, Montealegre Sanchez Gina, Barron Karyl, Debiasi Roberta, Delaney Meghan, Arrigoni Lauren, Wessel David, Notarangelo Luigi
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-042
The radiologic findings of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been well described in the literature over the past several years. Although the myriads of acute disease processes have also been extensively documented, the long-term complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) are unknown, including conditions carrying potentially significant morbidity, such as pediatric post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). This study establishes a prospective, longitudinal cohort of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals versus uninfected controls to characterize long-term outcomes following pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection, including cardiopulmonary imaging evaluation with chest radiography (CXR) or chest computed tomography (CT). This study was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH. Read More
Authors: Zember Jonathan, Turkbey Evrim, Bulas Dorothy, Bost James, Liang Jason, Rubenstein Kevin, Gould Nicholas, Montealegre Sanchez Gina, Barron Karyl, Debiasi Roberta, Delaney Meghan, Arrigoni Lauren, Wessel David, Notarangelo Luigi
Keywords: Chest Computed Tomography (CT) , Chest , Infection
Le David, Durham Phillip, Adams Caroline, Dayton Paul, Hwang Misun
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-035
Focused ultrasound (FUS) is a promising non-invasive technique for targeted drug-delivery to the brain through the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Preclinical research into FUS-mediated BBB opening is largely limited to dedicated labs as precise imaging and targeting of brain regions is dependent on well-calibrated stereotactic stages. Here, we present a low-cost, portable system that allows for precise and reproducible image-guided FUS using a motorized, consumer-available motion-stage with techniques for calibration. Read More
Authors: Le David, Durham Phillip, Adams Caroline, Dayton Paul, Hwang Misun
Keywords: Ultrasound , Surgical Planning
De Medeiros Bruno, Gatidis Sergios
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-005
Deep learning models have become instrumental in medical imaging, with a wide array of applications such as automated segmentation and diagnosis. However, the majority of these models are trained on adult imaging datasets, leading to underperformance when applied to the pediatric population. This discrepancy arises from anatomical differences between these populations, posing a significant challenge in fields requiring high precision like spine segmentation in Computed Tomography (CT) scans.
Read More
Authors: De Medeiros Bruno, Gatidis Sergios
Keywords: Computed Tomography , Segmentation , Image Database
Nuruzzaman Farzana, Ferguson Polly, Zhao Yongdong, Sato T Shawn, Stimec Jennifer, Iyer Ramesh, Carbert Andrew, Paschke Joel, Potts Lauren, Zhang Xiaoyue, Maksymowych Walter
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-032
The ChRonic nonbacterial Osteomyelitis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring (CROMRIS) consensus-based scoring system was adapted to assess specific features of bone and soft tissue inflammation in MRI of patients with CNO in a web-based interface. The objectives were to evaluate the absolute agreement of components of and summary CROMRIS scores at each body site, and the inter-rater reliability across raters. Read More
Authors: Nuruzzaman Farzana, Ferguson Polly, Zhao Yongdong, Sato T Shawn, Stimec Jennifer, Iyer Ramesh, Carbert Andrew, Paschke Joel, Potts Lauren, Zhang Xiaoyue, Maksymowych Walter
Keywords: Whole Body MRI , Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis
Johnson Abigail, Chapman Teresa, Elezaby Mai, Fowler Amy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-040
Appropriate imaging evaluation and management of pediatric patients with breast symptoms is important to avoid recommending unnecessary imaging follow-up or invasive procedures that cause stress for patients and their caregivers and potential damage to the developing breast. Current practice parameters focus on adults, and there is no evidence-based consensus statement from professional societies to guide management specifically for pediatric breast masses. The objective of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance and outcomes of breast imaging in our pediatric patient population and further contribute to evidence guiding management for this clinical scenario. Read More
Authors: Johnson Abigail, Chapman Teresa, Elezaby Mai, Fowler Amy
Keywords: Breast , Ultrasound
Seong Ye Won, Kim Pyeong Hwa, Yoon Hee Mang, Jung Ah Young, Cho Young Ah, Lee Jin Seong
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-008
To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of acute adverse reactions (ADRs) to nonionic low-osmolar iodinated contrast media (LOCM) in a pediatric population. Read More
Authors: Seong Ye Won, Kim Pyeong Hwa, Yoon Hee Mang, Jung Ah Young, Cho Young Ah, Lee Jin Seong
Keywords: Contrast Agent , CT , Safety
Pena Trujillo Valeria, Alkhadrawi Adham, Gallo Sebastian, Langarica Saul, Jaimes Camilo, Gee Michael, Do Synho, Victoria Teresa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-001
To develop an AI-based automatic tool for Amniotic fluid volume (AFV) and fetal weight (FW) quantification that easily integrates into everyday diagnostic workflow Read More
Authors: Pena Trujillo Valeria, Alkhadrawi Adham, Gallo Sebastian, Langarica Saul, Jaimes Camilo, Gee Michael, Do Synho, Victoria Teresa
Keywords: Fetal MRI , Artificial Intelligence , Diagnostic
Dorigatti Soldatelli Matheus, Calixto Camilo, Jaimes Camilo, Warfield Simon, Gholipour Ali, Karimi Davood
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-015
Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is increasingly used to study the fetal brain in utero. dMRI enables streamlined tractography, a computation with unique applications such as white matter tract-specific analysis and structural connectivity assessment. However, due to low fetal dMRI data quality and the challenging nature of tractography, existing methods often produce highly inaccurate results. This study addresses these challenges by proposing an anatomically constrained tractography method that accurately segments fetal brain tissue directly within dMRI. Read More
Authors: Dorigatti Soldatelli Matheus, Calixto Camilo, Jaimes Camilo, Warfield Simon, Gholipour Ali, Karimi Davood
Keywords: Diffusion MRI , Fetal MRI , Neural Network
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-034
It has been known that the pituitary gland volume (PV) in idiopathic central precocious puberty (IPP) is significantly higher than in healthy children. However, most PV measurements rely on manual quantitative methods, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. This study aims to automatically measure the PV of patients with IPP using artificial intelligence to accurately quantify the correlation between IPP and PV, and to improve the efficiency of diagnosing IPP. Read More
Authors: Kim Hayoun, Yu In Kyu
Keywords: Pituitary Abnormalities , Puberty , Artificial Intelligence
Vasanawala Sauram, Pauly John, Gatidis Sergios
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-004
Automated segmentation is an important step in automated processing of radiographs. However, manual generation of training data is tedious. To overcome this challenge, we leverage synthetic radiograph training data generated from CT volumes together with corresponding anatomy segmentation labels.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on the use case of automated scoliosis Cobb angle quantification.
Read More
Authors: Vasanawala Sauram, Pauly John, Gatidis Sergios
Keywords: Segmentation , Scoliosis , Deep Learning
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-002
The shortage of pediatric datasets challenges the development and evaluation of safe and effective artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML)-based medical devices for pediatrics. This is the case for computer-aided triage (CADt) of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) where the incidence of ICH in the pediatric population is lower than adults thus limiting pediatric data for evaluations. Here we introduce tools for generating synthetic adult and pediatric non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) datasets with ICH modeled from limited real data to address the shortage of pediatric data for ICH device assessments. Read More
Authors: Weaver Jayse, Nelson Brandon
Keywords: Intracranial Hemorrhage , Deep Learning , Computed Tomography
Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Yang Ling, Yang Yinghua, Kadom Nadja
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-011
To evaluate and quantify the use of uncertainty language in pediatric radiology report impressions, focusing on variation of uncertainty by modality, patient demographics, and care setting. Read More
Authors: Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Yang Ling, Yang Yinghua, Kadom Nadja
Keywords: Radiologist Reporting Styles , Quality Improvement , Language
Calderon Kylie, Robinson Joshua, Husain Nazia, Popescu Andrada, Rigsby Cynthia
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-007
Coronary artery abnormalities are a serious complication following the arterial switch operation (ASO) for d-transposition of the great arteries (TGA). While CTA optimally visualizes the coronaries, prior studies have found potentially high-risk coronary lesions in asymptomatic s/p ASO patients, raising questions about when CTA is warranted. CMR is commonly used for monitoring after the ASO, offering assessment without radiation. However, its utility for coronary evaluation remains unclear. We aimed to (1) compare the indications and outcomes of CMR vs. CTA after ASO, and (2) compare coronary features between modalities. Read More
Authors: Calderon Kylie, Robinson Joshua, Husain Nazia, Popescu Andrada, Rigsby Cynthia
Keywords: Cardiac MRI , Congenital Heart Disease , Computed Tomographic Angiography
De Leon-benedetti Laura, Coleman Beverly, Huynh Minh-huy, Oliver Edward, Gebb Juliana, Khalek Nahla, Soni Shelly, Looney Devon, Adzick N, Lerebo Wondwossen
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-017
Prenatal bowel dilation is often interpreted as an indicator of bowel pathology; however, it can be transient, leading to normal findings postnatally. This study aims to review cases of prenatal bowel dilation, analyze their sonographic findings, identify the most common diagnoses, and assess the concordance between prenatal and postnatal diagnoses. Read More
Authors: De Leon-benedetti Laura, Coleman Beverly, Huynh Minh-huy, Oliver Edward, Gebb Juliana, Khalek Nahla, Soni Shelly, Looney Devon, Adzick N, Lerebo Wondwossen
Keywords: Fetal
Battle Wilson, Bala Wasif, Smith Hayden, Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Weinberg Brent, Trivedi Hari
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-003
Pediatric radiology presents unique educational challenges, requiring trainees to master complex imaging patterns across varying patient ages and developmental stages. We developed an innovative learning platform powered by large language models (LLMs) to address these challenges through personalized, adaptive instruction. Our approach aims to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the need for consistent, scalable feedback in pediatric imaging education. Read More
Authors: Battle Wilson, Bala Wasif, Smith Hayden, Moon John, Li Hanzhou, Weinberg Brent, Trivedi Hari
Keywords: Adaptive Learning , Educational Informatics
Hwang Jisun, Hwang Jae-yeon, Moon Jayoung, You Seulgi
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-036
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of ultrasound (US) features for differentiating malignant from benign cervical lymphadenopathy in children. Read More
Authors: Hwang Jisun, Hwang Jae-yeon, Moon Jayoung, You Seulgi
Keywords: Ultrasonography , Cervical Lymphadenopathy , Malignant
Perdomo Camilo, Kammen Bamindele, Pepic Lejla, Sabharwal Sanjeev, Kvist Ola, Jambawalikar Sachin, Hitt Dave, Jaramillo Diego
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-028
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a magnetic resonance imaging technique that measures the diffusion of water molecules restricted by cellular structures, providing insights into tissue microarchitecture. In the physeal metaphyseal complex (PMC), columns of cartilage and newly formed bone restrict water diffusion primarily along the longitudinal axis. This study aims to delineate physeal DTI parameters—such as tract volumes—in young children. By establishing early developmental benchmarks, we address a gap in pediatric musculoskeletal DTI literature and assess the potential of DTI in monitoring growth patterns. Read More
Authors: Perdomo Camilo, Kammen Bamindele, Pepic Lejla, Sabharwal Sanjeev, Kvist Ola, Jambawalikar Sachin, Hitt Dave, Jaramillo Diego
Mannava Sindhu, Chen Paula, Marine Megan, Cromeens Barrett, Karmazyn Boaz
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-020
Neonatal bowel obstruction (NBO) is the first presentation of cystic fibrosis (CF) in approximately 15–20% of cases and is most commonly due to meconium ileus (MI) in this cohort. Contrast enema (CE) is a diagnostic tool which can help discern NBO etiology with variable accuracy. CE can also be a therapeutic tool in cases of simple MI. In this study, we describe our experience with CE in diagnosis and management of meconium ileus and other pathologies causing bowel obstruction in these patients. Read More
Authors: Mannava Sindhu, Chen Paula, Marine Megan, Cromeens Barrett, Karmazyn Boaz
Keywords: Abdominal Imaging , Contrast Enema , Obstruction
Ferrer Valencia Valentina, Chow Jeanne, Zhang Da, Callahan Michael, Kephart Morie, Tsai Andy
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-025
Nephrolithiasis, once considered an adult condition, is now increasingly prevalent in pediatric populations, leading to flank pain, hydronephrosis, and potential renal failure. Traditional imaging modalities for diagnosing pediatric nephrolithiasis, such as ultrasound and CT, are evolving, with newer protocols (e.g., ultra-low dose CT with tin filtration) being developed. The aim of this study was to design and validate an ex vivo porcine model to simulate pediatric renal stones, providing a substrate for the advancement of imaging techniques in renal stone detection and characterization. Read More
Authors: Ferrer Valencia Valentina, Chow Jeanne, Zhang Da, Callahan Michael, Kephart Morie, Tsai Andy
Keywords: Abdomen CT , Renal Stones , Ultrasound
Tiangco Justin Christian, Andres Mariaem
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-014
The subspecialty of Pediatric Radiology is crucial for providing accurate diagnoses and guiding treatment for pediatric patients. This study evaluates the impact of a four-lecture series on Pediatric Radiology on the knowledge of clinical pediatric residents. It focuses on the American
College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria (ACR-AC) and the ability to select suitable imaging modalities.
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Authors: Tiangco Justin Christian, Andres Mariaem
Keywords: Adaptive Learning , Education , Pediatric Radiology
Khan Hasan, Hernandez Alberto, Chau Alex, Akhtar Zahra, Upton Ashley
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-027
This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and impact of portal vein interventions in pediatric patients; which includes recanalization with venoplasty or stenting and their effects on hepatic and splenic hemodynamics through pre- and post-procedural liver and spleen elastography. Read More
Authors: Khan Hasan, Hernandez Alberto, Chau Alex, Akhtar Zahra, Upton Ashley
Keywords: Elastography , Portal Hypertension , Portal Vein Thrombosis
Saxena Akshay, Yadav Nishita, Bhatia Anmol, Sudesh Pebam, Ghosh Aakash, Sodhi Kushaljit
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-030
To evaluate inter observer and intra observer variations for vertebral pedicle morphometeric measurements in pediatric scoliosis patients using non contrast computed tomographic (NCCT) scan. Read More
Authors: Saxena Akshay, Yadav Nishita, Bhatia Anmol, Sudesh Pebam, Ghosh Aakash, Sodhi Kushaljit
Keywords: Computed Tomography , Spine , Scoliosis
Gurevich Alexey, Itkin Maxim, Rabinowitz Deborah
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-006
Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) a highly morbid disease characterized by loss of serum proteins into the bowel. The etiology of idiopathic PLE has been poorly understood and no therapy has been available. We present a case series of 3 patients with idiopathic PLE successfully diagnosed using a combination of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR (DCMRL) hepatic, mesenteric, lymphangiography and treated with retrograde endoscopic glue embolization. Read More
Authors: Gurevich Alexey, Itkin Maxim, Rabinowitz Deborah
Keywords: Lymphatic Imaging , Thoracic Duct Patency
Park Ji Eun, Shin Su-mi, Yoo So Young, Jeon Tae Yeon, Kim Ji Hye
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-038
Kimura’s disease is rare chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology. The cause and pathogenesis is unclear. Our study is to describe the clinical and radiologic features of Kimura’s disease (KD) in children and young adults, which often presents as a diagnostic challenge. Read More
Authors: Park Ji Eun, Shin Su-mi, Yoo So Young, Jeon Tae Yeon, Kim Ji Hye
Keywords: Head & Neck , Mass
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-018
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of attenuation imaging (ATI) with an ultrasound scanner (US) in the detection of pediatric hepatic steatosis. Read More
Authors: Hwang Sook Min
Keywords: Obesity , Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease , Ultrasound
Kim Joseph, Shukla Neal, Hammer Matthew, Lozano Richard, Hajibeygi Ramtin, Tu Long, Rao Balaji
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-024
A 14-year-old female was brought to the emergency department following a self-harm incident. During her assessment, she was found to have elevated blood pressures and a prolonged QTc interval. She reported frequent episodes of palpitations and dizziness over the past year, often occurring immediately after urination.
Initial ultrasound showed unremarkable kidneys and normal hemodynamics in the renal vessels. However, a heterogeneously echogenic mass with increased vascularity on color Doppler was visualized in the left bladder wall. MRI confirmed that the mass originated from the bladder base and extended through the left bladder wall, showing avid contrast enhancement and restricted diffusion. Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/CT demonstrated intense radiotracer uptake in the bladder mass, left pelvic sidewall, and left internal iliac lymph nodes.
The patient underwent chemotherapy and partial cystectomy. Pathology revealed neuroendocrine and nested features with infiltration into the smooth muscle bundles consistent with the muscularis propria of the bladder. Tumor cells tested positive for chromogranin and synaptophysin immunostains, while pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) was negative. Genetic testing identified the R242H variant in the SDHB gene.
Bladder paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors arising from the sympathetic paraganglia present in the bladder wall. They represent 6% of extra-adrenal paragangliomas and 0.05% of all bladder tumors. Typical symptoms include hypertension, hematuria, and catecholamine-associated symptoms like headaches and palpitations during micturition. Up to 63% of bladder paraganglioma patients have a germline mutation, most commonly in the SDHB subunit gene, increasing their risk of developing pheochromocytomas and additional paragangliomas. Therefore, lifelong biochemical and imaging screening from skull base to pelvis are recommended.
Bladder paragangliomas are a rare variant of extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas. MRI plays an important role in the pretreatment diagnosis of bladder paraganglioma. Gallium-68 Dotatate PET/CT is highly specific and can help diagnose metastatic spread. Lifelong follow-up is recommended due to the risk of recurrence and metastasis, and the potential for developing additional paragangliomas or pheochromocytomas.
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Authors: Kim Joseph, Shukla Neal, Hammer Matthew, Lozano Richard, Hajibeygi Ramtin, Tu Long, Rao Balaji
Keywords: Bladder , PET/CT , Nuclear Medicine
Zember Jonathan, Turkbey Evrim, Bulas Dorothy, Bost James, Liang Jason, Rubenstein Kevin, Gould Nicholas, Montealegre Sanchez Gina, Barron Karyl, Debiasi Roberta, Delaney Meghan, Arrigoni Lauren, Wessel David, Notarangelo Luigi
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-042
The radiologic findings of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been well described in the literature over the past several years. Although the myriads of acute disease processes have also been extensively documented, the long-term complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) are unknown, including conditions carrying potentially significant morbidity, such as pediatric post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC). This study establishes a prospective, longitudinal cohort of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals versus uninfected controls to characterize long-term outcomes following pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection, including cardiopulmonary imaging evaluation with chest radiography (CXR) or chest computed tomography (CT). This study was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH. Read More
Authors: Zember Jonathan, Turkbey Evrim, Bulas Dorothy, Bost James, Liang Jason, Rubenstein Kevin, Gould Nicholas, Montealegre Sanchez Gina, Barron Karyl, Debiasi Roberta, Delaney Meghan, Arrigoni Lauren, Wessel David, Notarangelo Luigi
Keywords: Chest Computed Tomography (CT) , Chest , Infection
Zucker Evan, Shailam Randheer, Gee Michael, Victoria Teresa
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-010
When evaluating a child with a potential septic hip, prompt diagnosis is important to prevent potential complications such as chondrolysis and avascular necrosis. The diagnosis often requires emergent aspiration of fluid from the hip by a skilled practitioner, traditionally a pediatric radiologist. However, the workforce of pediatric radiologists is dwindling, with retiring physicians being difficult to replace, leading to an overstretched workforce, many of whom may lack interventional skills. Lack of workforce may lead to the restructuring of medical tasks, including hip aspirations. The purpose of this study was to gauge the current participation rate of pediatric radiologists versus other specialties in performing emergency hip aspirations. Read More
Authors: Zucker Evan, Shailam Randheer, Gee Michael, Victoria Teresa
Keywords: Workload , Hip , Emergencies
Okonjo Ethel, Oshodi Connell, Marine Megan, Karmazyn Boaz, Newman Christopher
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-029
Premature infants are at an increased risk of physical abuse. However, the rate of classic metaphysical lesions (CMLs) in premature infants is currently unknown. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to compare the rates of CMLs in premature infants relative to term infants. Read More
Authors: Okonjo Ethel, Oshodi Connell, Marine Megan, Karmazyn Boaz, Newman Christopher
Keywords: Abusive Injury , Classic Metaphyseal Lesion , Preterm Neonate
Benyakoub Amine, Ehrlich Lauren
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-009
Screening for developmental hip dysplasia by ultrasound (US) is most accurate after 6 weeks corrected gestational age (CGA). Scanning earlier increases false-positive rates, leading to repeat exams, stress for families, higher healthcare costs, and exposure of unvaccinated infants to sick patients. We noted that many premature infants were scheduled for hip US before 6 weeks CGA. Working with a multidisciplinary Quality Improvement (QI) team, we aimed to reduce the incorrectly scheduled exam rate from 50% to below 25% within 6 months. Read More
Authors: Benyakoub Amine, Ehrlich Lauren
Keywords: Hip Dysplasia , QI , PDSA
Huetter Konstanze, Butter Sophie, Tschauner Sebastian, Kraus Tanja
Final Pr. ID: Poster #: SCI-031
Current radiological parameters for evaluating the growing hip, including the acetabular angle (AC), centre-edge angle (CE), and Reimer’s migration index (MI), are based on data from a small, decades-old patient cohort. This study aims to determine whether these parameters remain valid by analysing pelvic radiographs from a more contemporary and larger population. Read More
Authors: Huetter Konstanze, Butter Sophie, Tschauner Sebastian, Kraus Tanja
Keywords: Musculoskeletal , Radiographic Findings , Hip