Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) R2 and R2* relaxometry has been shown to accurately quantify liver iron content (LIC) without the need for invasive biopsy. However, different post processing techniques and different calibration curves can lead to variability in the measured iron content. A detailed demonstration using the pMRI software package ( of how to analyze R2 and R2* MRI relaxometry images to estimate LIC is presented. Linear monoexpoential, non-linear monoexpoential, biexponential and truncation models are used, compared and discussed. A selection of established LIC vs R2* calibration curves are compared in real time. Anonymized example cases of varying levels of iron overload are used to demonstrate segmentation techniques including region growing and semi-automatic vessel exclusion. After each analysis, a detailed LIC report is automatically generated and explained.
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Meeting name:
SPR 2020 Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course
, 2020
Khrichenko Dmitry
Post Processing,